





The design and build contract industry in Hong Kong is rising in numbers. The capital invested in this industry and total value of the industry itself has risen over the years indicating a high level of commitment and growth. From quality, high rise buildings to office towers and more, the design and build industry’s growth in 2015 has been immense. Media reports and industry reports are seen to portray Hong Kong as a world leader in adoption of specialized construction technicians. The industry as of 2015 had a value of around HK$223.9 billion (US$28.9 billion). In 2015, the value of the industry had risen to around 12.1%.

In 2016, the estimated growth was 1.5% with a value of around HK$54.2 billion (US$7.0 billion) (HKTDC, 2016). Most export markets in the construction industry are from the Chinese mainland, Asian countries and lesser so internationally. However, this gives the industry better control. With around ten more projects added to the list of HK contract and builds as of August 2016, and the 13th five-year plan progressing, this industry will expect more value rise through the building of including trans-regional railways and highways systems. Given the value of this industry, it becomes critical to analyze the factors that could be undermining the growth of the industry.