


New human resource management employees in health care are likely to encounter various challenges in their jobs. One of the main issues that the employees face is management of change in health care organizations (Rothwell, & Whiteford, 2011). New employees have to deal with changing roles in their jobs. Most often, employees tend to resist change especially those that does not favor them, hence human resource management employees face this kind of resistance in many instances. Another issue encountered by the HRM employees is retention of workforce especially due to compensation and benefits for the employees. Health care organizations without compensation and benefits plans for their employees have a low employee retention. The HRM employees will find it challenging to compensate employees when working in such organizations.
Addressing the issues identified is essential to ensure high productivity among the employees. The HRM employees can create strategies to address these issues.
To reduce resistance to change by employees, the HRM employees should ensure that they give roles that match an employee’s skills and expectations. The employees should be given roles that don’t degrade their current stature and they are comfortable with to ensure the expected level of output is realized. The HRM employees should engage with the employees to understand them better. It can help to offer employees roles that match their expectations. Reduction in the number of employees resisting change in roles can attest the success of this strategy.
Retaining employees is crucial to HRM to ensure the health care organization is working optimally. The HRM employees should ensure that employees are well compensated and given incentives that are within the constraints of the budget available. However, this requires an addition of funds to the budget to cover the benefits plan. The success of the strategy can be indicated by an increasing number of employees retained.

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