

ps代写-Webley的说服技巧和真诚的方法。Webley通过对ethos, pathos, and logos这三个要素的运用,说服读者/分析者考虑所有可能的结果,并在分析了所有的诉求后才得出有效的结论。这篇文章完美地结合了说服技巧和真诚的方法,考虑了主要问题有助于提出的伦理和道德方面的考虑。

Webley has been an education correspondent for Timemagazine, and have also completed her graduation from the University of Washington. This is one of the ‘ethos’ element which can be considered, however it is not enough for the analyzer to get persuaded. The fact that Webley has been constantly informed about the petition filed by students for forgiving the debt loan, which she has studied various websites including the Occupy Student Debt site. And Robert Applebaum, a student in debt, who having started the petition has sent messages to Webley on her Facebook account, and speaks for the kind of influence she has in terms of securitizing such an issue through prime media for it to be properly presented to the government. These appeals of her as some kind of an authority, at least to an extent that she can take up the issue in the right direction and to the right person are elements of the ‘ethos’ part of persuasion that the article holds.
She then moves further by presenting many questions to Applebaum’s plea of forgiving one time student debt loan of $1 trillion dollar. She does this by raising ethical issues on the part of those who had studied in the past and fulfilled their loan obligations and on passing the burden of such a huge debt exemption to other citizens. Is it fair? The question makes one think in the line of ethical judgement that would consider while leaning toward asserting the debt forgiveness. In addition, she raises emotional feelings when the transfer of tax burden comes to those who have never been to universities but make themselves pay more taxes. This is an emotional consideration and appeal which makes one think about the fairness in allowing the loan to be forgiven. Emotional appeal wins much stiff logic when the strength in emotion is high enough to be sounding as something which is without evil (Braet 307-320). She further asks questions about the ethics and morality of allowing those students who could very well pay back their debt obligations to be included in the petition. Though she commits that segregating these two classes would not be easy. These appeals of emotions forms the ‘pathos’ element of her persuasion.
Lastly, nothing is more appealing in an argument which ends with strong evidence after the authority of the speaker and the emotional appeal is distinctly used to persuade (Stockwood and Spiro). Webley mentions multiple sources of student loan amount data, which precisely concludes that only a small fraction of students are holding very high loans and that most can afford to pay back the obligation. She mentions the Income based repayment program of the government where students can avail of liberal methods of fulfilling their obligation. She adds Justin Wolfers blog proposition that all the money that is alleged to be saved by forgiving the loan will not necessarily be reverted to the economy. In addition, she mentions Mark Kantrowitz argument in his website about the average debt loan of a student which is much reasonable at $27,500 unlike the very high amount claimed in the petition. These are factual evidence that work very strongly on persuading the analyzer, since it is clubbed with emotional and authoritative appeal that supports the end result of persuasion (Morgan). These evidence forms the ‘logos’ element of the persuasive argument. This together with ‘ethos’ and ‘pathos’ elements in the article proposes that simply forgiving the student loan may not be feasible and a much more analytical view must be taken of the proposition, since it can drastically affect politics and economy.

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