

成功的管理員工需要不斷的自我意識和自我發展(Sosik, 2005)。在數量和描述上,許多調查結果和研究分析證明,個人管理是有效變革型領導和管理實踐的重要工具(Judge et al., 2002)。自我意識是個體回顧和評價其過程的過程(McCall & Lombardo 1983)。對一個經理來說,有許多要求。彼得•德魯克認為,管理者必須了解當前形勢,並根據需求制定行動計劃。根據制定的行動計劃,管理者應該具有領導團隊並取得成果的能力(Drucker, 2004)。有效的溝通和衝突管理對於單個團隊經理來說是必須的。問責制、透明度、責任、創新、團隊的有效管理是提高績效的必要條件(Drucker, 2004)。管理者有責任確保團隊內部的有效發展和整體進步(Kark, Shamir和Chen, 2003)。

領導者應該建立符合這些要求的運營管理體系。管理者應該有將想法轉化為現實的技巧(Asendorpf, 2002)。個體管理者應該不斷反省和發展,但也應該擔心團隊的表現(Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2001)。從文獻分析中可以看出,自我意識是滿足情境需求的根本要求。管理者有額外的責任,對團隊的表現有敏銳的自我意識。一個人應該從自我意識中發展內在的自我。自我發展是一個人在發展自己能力方面的漸進進化(McCall & Lombardo 1983)。在當今時代,管理者的複雜性和要求都在不斷提高。虛擬團隊也在增加。應制定綜合管理政策,以滿足所有利益相關者(Kayworth, & Leidner, 2000)。


Successful management of the employee demands continuous self-awareness and self-development (Sosik, 2005). Quantitatively and descriptively, many survey results and research analysis prove that personal management is an important tool for effective transformational leadership and management practices (Judge et al., 2002). Self-awareness is the process by which individuals retrospect and evaluate their process (McCall & Lombardo 1983). There are many demands that are required for a manager. According to Peter Drucker, it is imperative for a manager to understand current situation and develop an action plan based on the requirements. Based on the action plan devised, the managers should have the capacity to lead the team and obtain results (Drucker, 2004). Effective communication and conflict management is mandatory for individual team managers. Accountability, transparency, responsibility, innovation, effective managing of the team and is mandatory to increase performance (Drucker, 2004). It is the duty of the managers to ensure effective development and holistic progress is made inside the team (Kark, Shamir and Chen, 2003).

Leaders should facilitate an operation management system that caters to these requirements. Managers should have the knack to manifest ideas into realism (Asendorpf, 2002). Individual managers should continually introspect and develop, but should also worry about the performance of the teams (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2001). From analysis of the literature, it has been felt that self-awareness is fundamentally required to meet the demands of the situation. Managers have the additional responsibility of having a keen self-awareness for the performance of the teams. From self-awareness stem ideas a person should develop the inner self. Self-development is the gradual evolution of a person in terms of developing their abilities (McCall & Lombardo 1983). In the current times, there has been a rise in complexity and demands of a manager. There has also been an increase in virtual teams. Integrated management policies should be developed to cater to all the stakeholders (Kayworth, & Leidner, 2000).