


为寻找新客户提供现有的服务和产品。由于个人倾向于使其投资组合多样化,商业组织必须考虑对客户多样化的机会加以重视。一个市场对产品的需求可能略有下降,但同一产品在另一个市场可能正在经历快速增长。通过在全球范围内跟踪消费者的趋势和需求,组织能够最好地识别市场对进入企业的吸引力。推动企业国际化的最明显的事实是,在国际市场上扩大客户基础的范围。国际化不仅是扩大潜在客户群规模的范围,而且是利用公司呈现的质量(Boisot和Meyer, 2008)。任何企业都可以有一些想法,服务于不同的国际市场的客户,因此,销售总是由企业发起,服务于不同的目标市场。
在同样的意义上,商业组织也表现出了在具有高范围和增长机会的特定发展中市场瞄准客户的热情。然而,要想真正从国际化的机遇中寻求优势,就需要克服那些在充分发挥海外业务潜力方面制造障碍的挑战(Bell et al., 2004)。对于任何商业组织来说,对客户基础的认识和理解都是至关重要的,但是客户基础的多元化在公司的扩张战略中起着至关重要的作用。再往前看,由于经济衰退,消费者被驱使在网上寻找更便宜的价格和更好或相同的质量,因此,没有建立起来满足这一需求的企业组织在国际化的整个过程中面临困难。


In order to look for new customers for the current services and products.As individuals show preference in diversifying their portfolio of investment, business organizations must consider appreciating the chances for diversification of the customer. The demand for product might decline slightly in one market but the same product might be experiencing rapid growth across another market. By tracking the trends and demand of consumer at a global level, organizations gain the ability of best identifying the attractiveness of markets for the entry of the business. The most obvious fact motivating businesses to internationalize is the scope of increased customer base in the international market. Internationalization is not just the scope to increase the size of the potential base of customers, but also to use the quality the company presents (Boisot and Meyer, 2008). Any business can have some idea to serve the customers of different markets internationally, and hence, the sale will always be initiated by the business to serve different target market.
In the similar sense, business organizations show keenness for targeting the customers in specific developing markets with high scope and opportunities for growth. However, for actually seeking advantages out of the opportunity of internationalization, there is a need for overcoming challenges that create hurdles in the achievement of full potential of the business overseas (Bell et al., 2004). The acknowledgment and understanding of the customer base can be considered as the key to any business organization, but diversifying the base of customer can play a crucial role in the expansion strategy of the company. Further ahead, as a result of the recession, customers are driven online to look for cheaper prices and better or same quality and hence, business organization not set up for meeting this demand face difficulty in the overall process of internationalization.