

peaking代写-当代的领导能力。当代的领导能力包括满足消费者的需求、管理员工、发展强大的愿景和制定管理策略。传统上,在这种实践中观察到的是同质性。这并不能满足现代需求(Hargreaves, & Fink 2012)。有必要了解社会动态的变化以及社会中出现的跨文化态度。只有理解了这一点,公司才能在未来蓬勃发展(Bersick, & Gottwald, 2013)。本报告对当前的领导风格进行了基本分析。在此基础上提出了改进措施,以确保粮食供应。在北京ECCO公司已经观察到,即使他们目前是他们的服务的市场领导者,他们需要带来变化,以应对新时代的消费者。我们需要理解文化的变化,公司需要抓住机遇。为了改变消费者的期望,员工管理实践、战略领导力的发展和对多元文化的理解以及对员工进行适当的培训是必不可少的(Tucker, 2013)。当前的领导层有很多单独的管理者自主权,有必要改变这种意识形态。这在公司的研究分析中得到了证实。

There is a lot of homogeneity that has been observed in current Chinese leadership management system. This will emerge as a barrier for development in the future. The companies that are thriving now need to find ways to be made more inclusive. This will address issues of the company. A research study was conducted for 180 firms in China it was found that the mid level managers of the company favoured the development of more worker innovation (Cui, & Liu, 2000). It should also be ensured that leadership style of the management should meet current objectives not deviate away from the principle objective of the company (Zhou et al., 2005). But a gradual change in the managerial systems is recommended for all the companies in China (Zhou et al., 2005). There should be reduced autonomy by top leadership in these systems.

This is a conventional system that is used in order to make purchases. The consumers continue to visit retail stores because of the sense of familiarity associated with traditional style of shopping. Chinese retailers need to evaluate their value proposition models in order to cater to the new emerging consumer expectations. It was observed that of the 26.2 Trillion RMB sales 11% of the sales were through online channels (Delloitte, 2015). This has been increasing in the past few decades. Even consumers who visit retail stores are influenced by the social media presence.
From this evaluation it can be said that the company needs to find ways to create an effective Business-to-Business (B2B) models in order to connect with the retailers and suppliers. Innovative Business-to-consumer online channels can also be developed in order to deal with the new age consumers. It is suggested that the company uses a number of social media tools and digital media tools to connect with the retailers. New age consumers are more demanding and expect more value added services when compared to the old consumers. There is a need to understand their requirements and cater to them. If the company understand the requirements of the future consumers there can be better ways to cater to the consumers. This will ensure that the company can sustain in the future.

On observing Beijing ECCO a similar trend was observed. Many of the cultural factors has aided in the growth of the company. By introducing methods of reducing autonomy of the individual managers and developing team liaisons that are oriented towards the strategic plan of the company will enable the company to show more progress (Zhou et al., 2005). In order to avoid turnover rates the company should have a more Strategic system of worker management. From this a plan can be derived in order to meet objectives and at the same time keep employees satisfied. Strategic orientation of the company should be dynamic and flexible (Dhanphat, Mokgahla, & Jansen, 2015). It should be willing to change in accordance with the new emerging needs. In China a number of enterprises are given more freedom by the government in order to increase business operations in the country. Owing to this factor top leadership in the companies are given freedom by the State. But this has not trickled down to the managers and the employees. There should be more freedom and independence given to the employees in order to ensure growth in the companies.

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