

peaking代写-澳大利亚RSC维护道路安全的措施。在路上行走或旅行时的安全是公众关注的问题。维护道路安全应该是我们的社会责任。他们在减少道路交通事故数量方面发挥着重要的作用。道路安全委员会(RSC)就是这样一个机构,致力于让所有人的道路更加安全。目前的道路安全策略包括减少30%的死亡、受伤和碰撞(rsc.wa.gov.au, 2017)。该组织旨在为道路使用者提供一个安全的环境,并有效地促进道路网络的使用。在这份报告中,澳大利亚RSC将进行社会营销,以减少年轻男性司机中的交通事故。

The organization RSC will host a drama where the young male audiences would be able to see the consequences of lack of road safety and ways through which one can improve the driving skills. Drama or a visual representation would create a mark on the young minds on the consequences of rash driving. The drama would also provide tips on speed limit and ways of converting speed sign.
Test on Road Safety Signs:
To make the campaign more creative and engaging, a small test is to be conducted by the RSC Australia to check on the road safety skills of the young minds. There would be prizes for the winners of the test and consolation prizes for the rest. The winners would be getting free pass to an amusement park for a day with family while the consolation prize winners would be getting free coupons to shop in different branded outlets like Nike, Puma and many more.

Driving Test for Licensed Driver:
The campaign will perform driving test for the new learners. When the new young learners would be passing the test then they would be provided with new driving license on the spot.
Counselling Session:
The campaign will conduct a counselling session as well to check whether there was any type of problems that were faced while driving, any type of psychological or physical disorders that are affecting the young individuals (Rudin-Brown & Jamson, 2013).
There will no price charged for entering the venue or for participating in the campaign. The main reason for making it free was to invite all young male drivers.
The campaigning would be done in different places in Queensland mostly near the major traffic areas. Different venues and halls are also going to be arranged for campaigning where the young drivers would not only participate in the program but also enjoy the food and refreshments arranged by the RSC Australia. The venues mostly were located near the college campuses.

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