





The second major challenge lies in regulation. It is estimated that Chinese SMEs contribute to around 60 percent of the industrial output of China and are responsible for creating around 80 percent of the jobs in Chinese market. While foreign SMEs are aware of the significance of understanding rules and regulations within the country, and understanding of the local business environment rules such as investment laws and financial laws etc makes the national SMEs tend to overlook much of these legal relationships. These investment, financial and employment laws are very critical for the SMEs for long term success. In making use of the many opportunities that the OBOR project could bring, it is critical that SMEs learn to connect internally with their regulations and work proactively to be a co-developer in some of these regulations.

International standards of developed countries have to be mimicked in these efforts. Some other countries that Chinese SMEs can look to trade with might have stricter or worse employment laws. It is necessary for the Chinese SMEs to adapt or negotiate as the need may arise. Here the SMEs face the challenge of information. While information like market opportunities, laws and regulations of foreign countries and more is probably easily available, some of the others such as trade strategy of countries that the SMEs would deal with over the OBOR are not exactly easy information. These forms of strategic activities are something that Chinese SMEs have to know and get adjusted. In addition to the uncertainties in trade laws that would be introduced with the OBOR, it could also be possible that there could be much adjustment needed culturally.