


因此,在这方面仍然存在一些问题。首先,管理者解决问题的方式。其次,这些原则可以帮助这些企业高管克服文化差异的迷宫,为全球商业道德实践建立行为准则(ington & Lafferty 2002)。最后,组织如何回答商业道德最棘手的问题:当东道国的道德标准被认为低于母国的道德标准时,结果会如何。哲学论述就是这样一个答案。就文化的相对主义而言,不可能有任何一种文化的伦理优于另一种文化。它本质上意味着不存在任何全球性的对错。如果印尼人容忍他们的公职人员行贿,那就不算数了。对于印尼人来说,没有什么比新加坡或丹麦公民在行贿或受贿方面表现得更好或更糟的了。同样,比利时人也不认为这与内幕交易有关。不执行内幕交易法与执行内幕交易法一样,都是道德的。

文化相对主义者的信条建议在罗马时要像罗马人一样行事。当企业无法做到这一点而丧失机会时,这种做法尤其具有诱惑力。文化相对主义的不足在这种情况下表现得很明显,这种做法所造成的损害不仅仅是内幕交易或小额贿赂。在20世纪80年代后期,一些欧洲制药公司和制革厂开始搜索那些可以廉价倾倒垃圾的网站。从刚果到摩洛哥,他们几乎搜索了非洲西海岸的所有国家。最后,尼日利亚同意在其土地上倾倒含有剧毒的多氯联苯。含有PCB的桶的卸货是由未受保护的工人在居民区附近倾倒的(Escobar 1995)。工人们和居民们都不知道桶里装着有毒废物。


Therefore, there are a number of questions that remain in this context. First, the way the managers can have resolved the problems. Second, the principles that can be helping these business executives working through the maze of cultural differences in establishing the codes of conduct for worldwide business practice of ethics (Pinnington & Lafferty 2002). Finally, the way the organizations can answer the business ethics’ toughest question: the outcome when the ethical standards of the host country are deemed to be at a lower level than the ethical standards of the home country. The philosophical discourse can be one such answer. As per the relativism of the culture, there cannot be any culture whose ethics can be superior to a different culture. It essentially means that there cannot be any global rights or wrongs. It doesn’t count if the Indonesians are tolerating their public official’s bribery. There is no better or worse attitude for Indonesians compared to the citizens of Singapore or Denmark who disassociates themselves in offering or accepting bribes. In the same way, the Belgians do not find it disgusting with respect to the insider trading. The refraining from the enforcement of insider trading laws is no less or more ethical than enforcement of such laws.

The creed of the cultural relativist advises to do like Romans when in Rome. This has temptation particularly, when it comes to forfeiting opportunities when a business fails to do it. The cultural relativism’s inadequacy gets apparent in the case where the practices in question damages more than mere insider trading or petty bribery. In the latter part of the 1980s, certain European pharmaceutical companies and tanneries were searching sites that they would be dumping wastes cheaply. They had been searching nearly all nations in the west coast of Africa from Congo to Morocco. Finally, Nigeria agreed for such dumping in its land is consisted of polychlorinated biphenyls that were highly toxic. The unloading of barrels containing PCB was done by unprotected workers that were dumped near a residential area (Escobar 1995). It was neither of the knowledge of the workers nor of the residents that the toxic waste is contained in the barrels.