





Thus, it is concluded that considering deontological application to the case, the defeat device must not be installed because it is not arising from a sincerely good will and is not based on a moral law which advocates not harming others with one’s actions. Virtue ethics are of multiple types and associated with multiple character traits of an individual which actually makes up the whole identity of the individual. They include courage, righteousness, honesty, truthfulness, wisdom, justice, fortitude, and temperance, among many more (Hartman, 2002). These virtues as a part of an individual make one more moral than those who do not have them or have them in less extent. The character traits in possession of these virtues are considered to be of moral inclinations. Applying the virtue ethics in the case of Jeff Morris and CBA and CFP, it is observed that Morris was absolutely within the realms of virtue ethics when he tried to expose the anti-business and selfish motive-fulfilling activity of Nguyen. Morris accepted his moral duty and displayed his honesty in surfacing the duping of innocent investors by Nguyen’s misleading advice.

If this act had not emerged, it could have affected thousands of more investors to invest further. They displayed of the virtue of being honest and courageous. In spite of anticipating the threats to his family, Morris went ahead in exposing the dubious claims and advice given by Nguyen to his investors. In addition, Morris and other colleagues displayed their loyalty to the investors, acted in the most righteous manner, and opened the closed doors of dubious activities by Nguyen in a modest manner. Morris adopted almost all famous virtues which are required for being morally inclined to one’s conscience and also show a modest obligation to one’s duty for which he is assigned to. These became the perfect character traits and dignified disposition of Morris who internalised these traits when he became a virtuous man and forced open the unethical activities in the CBA.