


在2008年的选举周期中,希拉里·克林顿将成为美国最好的政治家,这是几个人的信念。然而,在17个月的艰苦竞选期间,奥巴马成功赢得提名民主的行列。当他得到支持的时候,人们相信他有足够的能力用自己的判断力和冷静的头脑来修复经济不景气的经济。这对美国来说是非常需要的。他在担任主席的八个月内获得了诺贝尔和平奖,为加强个人之间的全球外交和合作作出了非凡的努力。所有这些事实都是选择奥巴马分析他的领导者库兹和波斯纳模型的原因。根据模型,分析将在五个实践的基础上进行(Kouzes&Posner,2002)。这些做法是1)示范的方式; 2)激发共同的愿景; 3)挑战过程; 4)使他人行动; 5)鼓励心脏。


In the election cycle of 2008, it was the belief of several individuals that Hillary Clinton will be the best politician of America. However, in the duration of 17 months with hard campaigning, Barack Obama managed to rise by the ranks for winning the nomination of Democracy. As he received the endorsement, the population believed that he is capable enough to fix the ailing economy with his sound judgements and cool head. This was much needed for United States. He managed to receive a prize of Nobel Peace within the duration of eight months of his presidency as he showed extraordinary efforts for strengthening the global diplomacy and cooperation amongst individuals. All these facts are the reason behind choosing Obama for analysing his leadership by Kouzes & Posner Model. As per the model, analysis will be done on the basis of five practices (Kouzes & Posner, 2002). These practices are 1) Model the way; 2) Inspire a shared vision; 3) Challenge the process; 4) Enable others to act; and 5) Encourage the heart.
Inspiring a Shared Vision
President Barack Obama expressed his vision in a strong voice with confidence. As per his vision, “The road ahead will be long, our climb will be steep”. However, it is not just the voice or his rhetoric that is brilliant enough to bring a lump in the throats of individuals. In his speech, he managed to sweep the audience of their feet that made them believe that they have chosen the right leader. He inspired the public and his fellow democrats as he had run an inspiring campaign that energised politics by his extremely progressive vision and value for the future of America (Kouzes & Posner, 2002).