


在默认情况下,酒店业对客户的视角和应对环境的策略非常重视。Dittmer和Griffin(1993)明确地强调了像Hilton Sydney Event operations这样的组织采用系统视角,利用相关的激励因素来处理业务的基础,包括管理、营销、客户关系、人力资源管理和会计。酒店行业的规模要求对顾客满意的强烈坚持,这是一个公司生存的关键。事件管理公司由三个主要的伦理主题领域控制,包括伦理认同、不道德行为和做出伦理选择(Jaszay, 2002)。事件管理公司将不得不严格按照合法的计划行事,以区别于虚假的策划者。有一些公司通过引入隐藏的费用来扮演不道德的角色,这就是为什么在事件规划领域的挑战越来越多。


同样的,对于一个公司来说,有不同的客户类别,有些客户的价格是通常价格的10倍以上。欺骗性广告在这个行业是一个挑战,它影响公司的声誉和生存。所有这些都属于战略规划和执行的主题。文化与战略同等重要,因为人力资源往往只在文化支持的时候做出反应。当检举发生在组织内部并报告错误/不道德行为时,整个酒店经理和员工团队都会进入风险状态。一个组织的价值是基于所遵循的道德实践来管理的。当组织环境中发生道德失范行为时,这表明该文化是不可靠的,或者不可能更成功。它要求立即采取行动(Jaszay, 2002)。


Hospitality industry, by default, gives key importance to the customer perspective and strategies meant to deal with the environment. Dittmer and Griffin (1993) clearly highlights that organizations like Hilton Sydney Event Operation adopt systems perspective with relevant motivators to deal with the fundamentals of business including management, marketing, customer relations, human resources management and accounting. The dimensions of hospitality industry demand strong adherence to customer satisfaction as that is the key to the survival of a company. Event management companies are ruled by three major ethical topic areas which include the ethical identity, unethical actions and making ethical choices (Jaszay, 2002). Event management companies will have to strictly work on the legitimate planning to stand unique from the bogus planners. There are firms that play unethical roles by introducing hidden charges and this is the reason for a majority of the challenges rising in the field of event planning.

Likewise, there are different categories of customers for a company and some customers are charged a price that is at least 10 times higher than the usual price. Deceptive advertising is a challenge in this industry and it influences the reputation and survival of the firm. All these fall under the subjects of strategy planning and implementation. Culture is equally important as strategy as human resources tend to respond only when the culture is supportive. The entire team of hospitality managers as well as employees enter into the state of risk when whistleblowing happens within the organization and reports wrong/unethical actions. The values of an organization are governed based on the ethical practices followed. When ethical misbehaviour happens in the organization’s environment, it is an indication that the culture is unreliable or can be no more successful. It calls for an immediate action (Jaszay, 2002).