美国 essay 代 写:失踪儿童问题


美国 essay 代 写:失踪儿童问题


美国 essay 代 写:失踪儿童问题

美国 essay 代 写:失踪儿童问题

The problem of missing children is claimed to be socially constructed by Joel Best. Social construction of the reality could be understood, as the perception and knowledge of people that is defined as reality. This reality gets assimilated in the institutional fabric of the whole society and becomes the truth. Then the reality becomes socially constructed. Same way, the problem of missing children is exaggerated with the help of statistics and reports. The reports of child search organization and claims in mass media socially construct the problem of child missing and gain public sympathy. The problem of missing children is well explained as the social construct by Best, because it has been often exaggerated by the claim makers who believe that bigger the problem, higher the attention they will receive.

美国 essay 代 写:失踪儿童问题
They believe that problem has to be widespread in order to receive significant attention. The estimate of the incidence made by the crusaders or the claim makers are dependent on the number of children being affected. The exact statistics about the missing children are often exaggerated because of the belief that big numbers are better than small ones in order to display a problem as social problem. The problem of missing children and the moral panic can be understood through elite-engineered theory. This means that panics created in the society are mainly deliberate and conscious results of the propagandas campaigns. Moral panic can be called as the perceived and made-up over reaction of a social problem. The processes for constructing concern about a social problem have little relationship with the reality.