


Hoskisson(1999)表明,战略人力资源管理是不是天生的一个资源基础观,但它已经在它的开发工具。据他说,战略人力资源管理有助于提供所需的资源,从而支持组织执行重要战略和行动计划。因此,人力资源管理一直支持它对组织的资源收集和执行能力的贡献,这些能力在任何规模的项目中都是必不可少的。另一种观点认为,它是观察到的最有价值的,独特的,和模仿的资源,组织的知识,可以用来操纵,使用,和变换的多组织资源(Grant,1996;Kogut和Zander 1992)。这是一个有趣的观点,因为它显示了组织将知识产权和知识资源作为其经营行业的竞争优势的能力。最近,这一转变和重点已经从员工管理转移到组织的战略贡献中。这就导致了以不同的方式发展员工招聘,其重点是个人的内在素质和拥有可直接用于组织的知识。然后,它转向更多的知识管理和管理知识型员工,发展他们的技能,创造与员工惊人的关系,并执行基于知识的成果奖励计划(马西斯和杰克逊,2005)。在知识传播的任务,技术,工具,和人,最好的知识是人们体现知识形成组织的核心能力的基础,在发展其价值主张也基本(Argote和英格拉姆,2000)。这个特别的人体现知识理论也被Morris和Snell欣赏(2007)。他们认为,组织中的人拥有知识是重要的,必须定期培养和维护,这样才能使员工和组织更有价值。


Hoskisson (1999) informs that strategic HRM was not born of a resources based view but it has been instrumental in its development. According to him, strategic HRM has been helpful in providing the required resources which then supports the organisation’s execution of important strategies and action plan. Thus, HRM has been supportive in its contribution to the organisation’s resource gathering and execution capabilities which are essential in any size of project. In another view, it is observed that the single most valuable, distinctive, and imitable resource that organisations have is knowledge which can be used to manipulate, employ, and transform multiple organisational resources (Grant, 1996; Kogut and Zander 1992). This is an interesting perspective as it shows the ability of organisations to make their possession of intellectual knowledge and knowledge based resources as a competitive advantage in the industry of their operations. Recently, the shift and focus has moved from employee management to their involvement in strategic contribution to the organisation. This has resulted into the development of employee recruitment in a different manner which focuses on the individual’s inherent qualities and possession of knowledge that can be directly used for the organisation. Then further, it has shifted into more of knowledge management and managing knowledgeable workforce and developing their skills, creating striking and winning relationship with the employees, and executing rewards programs for knowledge based results (Mathis and Jackson, 2005). Where knowledge is spread across tasks, technologies, tools, and people, the best possible knowledge base is the people-embodied knowledge which forms the foundation of the organisation’s core capabilities, and is also fundamental in developing its value proposition (Argote and Ingram, 2000). This particular theory of people embodied knowledge is also being appreciated by Morris and Snell (2007). They maintain that knowledge possessed by people of the organisation is important and must be nurtured and preserved periodically which makes it more rewarding for the employees and the organisation.