


选择播客的嘉宾积极的音乐疗法对健康的影响是女士Concetta m .美诺的音乐研究所执行董事和神经功能。讨论的基本目的是评估音乐疗法是如何影响个人的健康积极。人听不同的音乐,不同的人对不同的类型的人不同(路德,1998)。因此个人的音乐对大脑有影响,因此他的反应。至今有很多临床经验的医生,音乐是有用的治疗在治疗病人,但没有足够的临床证据。作为讨论的播客,各种进步了最近在神经科学杂志中描述了音乐和大脑是相互联系的。讨论评估音乐治疗的作用,还包括如何使用音乐治疗许多疾病如阿尔茨海默氏症,帕金森氏症等的讨论也包括培训需要一个音乐治疗师和音乐疗法的各种方式和手段可能给病人。一个人可能无法说话,但可以唱歌,这就是音乐的力量。音乐往往是一个非常强大的司机对很多人来说,改变世界的病,不健康。这科学现在可以得到足够的证据支持,在神经科学验证的作用。


The guest speaker of the selected podcast Positive Effects of Music Therapy on Health is Ms. Concetta M. Tomaino who is the executive director of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function. The basic purpose of the discussion is to evaluate how music therapy affects the health of an individual positively. People listen to different kinds of music and different people react to different types of people differently(Ruud, 1998). Thus music has an impact on the brain of the individual and hence his reactions. Till date there were numerous clinical experiences of doctors where music was helpful as a therapy in the treatment of the patients but there were not enough clinical evidences. As discussed in the podcast, various advancements have been made in neuroscience recently which describes how music and brain are interconnected. The discussion evaluates the role of music in healing and also covers how music can be used as a therapy for many ailments like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc.  The discussion also includes the training required to be a music therapist and the various ways and means by which music therapy may be given to the patients. A person may not be able to speak, but may be able to sing, this is the power that music has. Music tends to be a very strong driver for many people and is changing the world of the diseased and the unhealthy. And this science can now be backed up by sufficient evidences and has a validated role in neurosciences.