


由于人力资本的相关性决定了医院的有效性,因此人力资源在发展和实施企业战略以及成为医院增加值的元素方面发挥着重要作用。即使人力资源部门因为人力资本的相关性而成为制定和实施战略的重要组成部分,该部门也不足以成为战略合作伙伴(Wright et al,2011)。造成这种情况的一个原因是因为医院人力资源部门缺乏影响企业战略所需的分析和数据决策能力。因此,考虑到区域医院的情况,如果要成为医院所有部门的合适战略合作伙伴,就需要制定一个改进的指标和分析。

根据劳勒和莫尔曼(Lawler and Mohrman,2003)的观点,指标和分析的使用被认为是人力资源部门成为重要战略合作伙伴的四大特征之一。人力资源指标和分析是信息系统的组合(Lawler III 2014)。信息系统收到信息后才能影响医院;管理者在没有这些信息的情况下会做出比他们更好的决定。强调改善管理决策倾向于改变推动评估过程中的度量和分析的动力。如果实施得当,这些衡量标准和分析有助于增加从这些改变决策的努力中获得信息和事实的可能性。而且,改变之后,这些决定变得更加有效。一个根本性的问题是,这些人力资源指标和分析大部分无助于为必要的管理决策提供明确的影响(Whitaker&Wilson 2007)。因此,选择适当的人力资源指标和分析以获得利益是非常重要的。


Due to growth in the relevance of human capital to determine effectiveness of the hospital, the potential is situated for HR to play an important role to develop and implement corporate strategy and for becoming an increased value added element of the hospital. Even if the HR department is making a strong case to be an essential element of developing and implementing strategy due to the relevance of human capital, the department is falling short to be a strategic partner (Wright et al 2011). One reason behind this is because HR department of the hospital lacks the category of analytic and capability of data-based decision making that are required for influencing strategy of business. Therefore, considering the situation of Regional Hospital, there is a need for developing an improved metrics and analytics if it has to become an appropriate strategic partner amongst all departments of the hospital.

According to Lawler and Mohrman (2003), the use of metrics and analytics has been identified as one of the four features that result in HR department being an important strategic partner. HR metrics and analytics are combination of an information system (Lawler III 2014). An information system can only influence the hospital if after receiving the information; managers take better and different decisions than they would have in the absence of this information. Laying emphasis to improve the managerial decisions tends to change the dynamics that drive metrics and analytics for putting efforts in the process of assessment. If implemented appropriately, these metrics and analytics help to increase the possibility that provide accessibility to the information and facts from these efforts changing the decisions. Also, after being changed, these decisions become more effective. A fundamental issue is that most of these HR metrics and analytics do not help in providing a clear influence on necessary managerial decisions (Whitaker & Wilson 2007). Therefore, it is important to choose appropriate HR metrics and analytics in order to avail the benefits.