


Montevento控股有限公司诉Scaffidi [2012] HCA 48案正在澳大利亚高等法院审理。澳大利亚高等法院将处理这类案件,如果案件已提出上诉或案件起源于高等法院本身。本案的上诉人是Montevento Holdings Pty ltd & Anor,本案的上诉人是Giuseppe Diego Scaffidi & Anor。适用的司法管辖权是澳大利亚高等法院。HCA被认为是澳大利亚的最高管辖权。它是澳大利亚的终审上诉法院,保留原管辖权和上诉管辖权。高等法院在制定和发展立法方面起着重要作用,并作为一个在澳大利亚行使其司法权力的授权实体。


根据75年部分的澳大利亚联邦宪法》,HCA时行使的司法权有1)条约下问题,2)影响执政官的事项或其他国家的代表,3)有关事项为英联邦的人起诉联邦或由联邦起诉的人,4)在现有的国家之间,或居民之间的状态,5)在那里有一名联邦官员的命令。在所有这类案件中,澳大利亚高等法院具有原始管辖权。蒙特维托控股有限公司诉Scaffidi [2012] HCA 48案在澳大利亚高等法院开庭审理。2011年7月27日,在案件提交澳大利亚高等法院之前,西澳大利亚州最高法院的上诉法院对此案进行了上诉。


The case Montevento Holdings Ltd v Scaffidi [2012] HCA 48 is being heard in the High Court of Australia. The High Court of Australia will deal with such cases where the case has come on an appeal or the case originates in the High Court itself.Montevento Holdings Pty ltd & Anor are the appellants in the case, and Giuseppe Diego Scaffidi & Anor are the respondents in the case. The jurisdiction applied is that of the High Court of Australia. The HCA is considered as the supreme jurisdiction in Australia. It is the final court of appeal in Australia and it retains both the original and appellate jurisdictional powers. The High Court is instrumental in the making and development of legislation and serves as a mandated entity in exercising its judicial power in Australian.

According to the ‘Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act -Section 75’, the jurisdictional powers of the HCA are exercised when there are 1) issues arising under a treaty, 2) in matters that affect consuls or the representative from other nations, 3) matters related to the commonwealth as in the case of a person who is suing the commonwealth or a person who is sued by the commonwealth, 4) in matters existing between states, or between the residents of the states, and 5) where there is a writ of Mandamus sought on a commonwealth officer. In all such cases, the High Court of Australia has original jurisdiction. Montevento Holdings Ltd v Scaffidi [2012] HCA 48 was heard in the High Court of Australia. Before the case came to the High Court of Australia, the case was appealed in the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Western Australia on 27 July, 2011.