論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:策略有助於選擇股票


論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:策略有助於選擇股票
另一種投資策略是投資全球對沖債券,總回報率為7.3%,如果是全球股票(對沖),回報率為6.2%。管理基金的回報率較低,年利率為5.6%。整體而言,管理基金的年回報率僅為5至6%。聯邦銀行為長期投資提供各種利率。銀行60個月的最高年利率為2.85%。 (聯邦銀行2016)。的確,投資銀行將是無風險的,同時回報也會很低。不過,投資金額將是安全的。為了系統地實現這些目標,必須對風險承擔因素進行技術管理。風險承擔因素取決於人的壽命長短。那些擁有更大數量和更長的壽命的人將能夠承擔更多的風險。另一方面,老年人將尋求穩定和固定的利益,不涉及任何風險或低風險。在目前的情況下,長期投資是不可取的。

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:策略有助於選擇股票

There is no systematic method of stock picking in the share market. Rather fundamental strategies will help to choose the stock. The strategies are the applications of theories and risk taking behavior is must. The investor may seek stabilized growth or high growth. Before entering to the stock market, the investor decides himself about risk bearing. Under the portfolio management, the risk bearing capacity allows different rate of returns. Different factors such as strong historical earnings, stabilized revenue, dividend history, management of the company, etc influence the share price. Besides, international political news also influences the share market. Mr. Adam Hart is a small investor and does not have multiple portfolio investments. Making investment in shares with such small amount is not suggestible, as there will be heavy volatile and there is no guaranteed income on the trading of share. Lots of trading experience and huge amount is required for regular trading. Occasional trading is not suggestable at this moment. Overall Gross return in Australian Shares notices with 5.5%.
Another investment strategy is making investment with hedged global bonds which give Gross Return of 7.3% and in case of Global shares (hedged) will give return of 6.2%. In case of Managed funds, low returns were observed with a rate of 5.6% p.a. Overall, the managed funds give return of 5 to 6% per annum only.Commonwealth bank offers various interest rates for long term investments. The maximum interest offered by the bank is 2.85% p.a. for the period 60 months. (Commonwealth Bank 2016). It is true that making the investment in banks will be risk free and at the same time the return will be low return. However, the investment amount will be safe. To achieve the goals systematically, risk taking factor must be managed in a technical way. The risk taking factor depends upon the span of life of the human. The persons who have larger amounts with long span of life will be able to take more risks. On the other hand, aged persons will seek stabilized and fixed interest without involving any risk or low risk. At the present situation, Long term investments are not advisable.