


可持续发展原则有利于当地个人和传统文化,“脆弱”的自然环境也得到了保护(Becken, 2013)。文化复兴和相互依存的发展议程的有效实施是家庭旅游作为特权向全球市场提供的(Platenkamp, 2015, p. 565)。秘鲁为游客提供了全新的探险旅游体验,并开展了各种各样的探险运动,如登山、登山、滑翔伞、徒步旅行、雪地自行车和冲浪等。,2012)。的决心目的地营销活动的成功是基于人民的意识和态度和地方当局对他们的国家的身份,个人质量强调积极的国家形象,甚至负面形象处理(p.45 Cossiavelou & Bantimaroudis, 2009)。把关人将国家旅游的实际形象与国家当局所投射的形象和消费者所感知的形象进行相似性。
领先的探险目的地、领先的文化目的地和领先的绿色目的地是秘鲁作为旅游目的地正在与该地区其他国家竞争的类别(Christian, 2012)。中央政府正在努力使旅游业成为推动发展和社会包容的工具。旅游业的大门是敞开的,世界各地的消费者可以很容易地与服务提供者联系起来。他们可以直接获得足够的信息,在这些信息的帮助下,消费者可以很容易地做出明智的购买决定。看门人的努力为市场营销和品牌塑造提供了独特的机会。旅游业的主要参与者的品牌由有效的看门人加以资本化,以促进市场,甚至在国家和国际一级都能看到该区域的存在。


The sustainable development principles work for the benefit of local individuals and traditional cultures and the ‘fragile’ natural environment is also protected (Becken, 2013). Cultural revival and the efficient delivery of interdependent agendas of development are delivered as privileges to global markets by home-stay tourism (Platenkamp, 2015, p. 565). Peru provides visitors with new experiences of adventure tours and makes the various kinds of adventure sports such as mountaineering, climbing, paragliding, trekking, snow biking and surfing, etc. (Anttiroiko, A. V., 2012). The determination of the success of the destination marketing activities is based on the awareness and attitudes of the people and local authorities towards the identity of their country, the quality of individuals for emphasizing the positive image of the country and even the negative image is addressed (Cossiavelou & Bantimaroudis, 2009, p.45). Gatekeepers make the resemblance of the actual image of the tourism in the country with the image projected by the authorities of the country and the image perceived by the customers.
The various categories such as Leading Adventure Destination, Leading Cultural Destination and Leading Green Destination are the ones through which Peru as a tourist destination is giving competition to other countries in that region (Christian, 2012). The central government is making efforts for making the tourism an instrument that drives the development and social inclusion.The gates in the tourism industry are wide open in a manner that worldwide consumers can easily connect with the providers of the services. They can have direct access to the sufficient information with the help of which consumers can easily make intelligent buying decisions. Gatekeepers with their efforts present unique opportunities necessary for marketing and branding. The brand of the major players in tourism is capitalized by effective gatekeepers for promoting the market and even the presence of the region at national and international levels is visualized.