


本研究显示非常弱的负相关性害羞和时间花在Facebook上。这些发现与研究的结果由Sheeks和Birchmeier(Sheeks MS,2007)。不同的结果可能的原因可以当前研究的样本量较小。提到研究解释说,害羞的人很难与其他政党和其他社交聚会。同样的行为也在Facebook上见过。他们发现很难交流和表达自己的想法也在Facebook上。根据引用的研究中,害羞和内向的人发现社交网站作为一个合适的沟通方法。因此他们宁愿花更多的时间在Facebook上花时间和真实的人。

这样的结果可以证明所提供的模糊在线交流,具体来说,除去他们将面临很多障碍,面对面的沟通。同样的结果也证明脸颊JM(脸颊JM,2016)。目前的研究还显示弱阳性,而未予重视社交能力之间的相关性和时间花在Facebook上。相同的变量之间强正相关关系被发现,在一项由科雷亚et Al (Teresa科雷亚)。更善交际的人更容易混入人群在社交聚会。他们是舒适的表达他们的想法。同样也反映了他们的行为在社交网站上。他们花更多的时间在Facebook上。


Present study showed very weak negative correlation between shyness and time spent on the Facebook. These findings contradict the findings of study conducted by Sheeks and Birchmeier (Sheeks MS, 2007). The possible reason for different result can be smaller sample size of current study. The referred study explains that the shy people find it difficult to interact with other people in parties and other social gatherings. The same behaviour is also seen on Facebook. They find it difficult to interact and express their thoughts on Facebook also. According to the referenced study, the shy or introverted people find social networking sites as a suitable method of communication. Therefore they would prefer spending more time on Facebook then spending time with real people.

Such findings can be justified by the ambiguity provided by online communication, specifically, the removal of many of the obstacles they would face while face to face communication. The same findings are also justified by Cheek JM (Cheek JM, 2016). The present study also showed weak positive and statistically insignificant correlation between sociability and time spent on Facebook. A strongly positive correlation was found between same variable, in a study conducted by Correa et Al (Teresa Correa). Those who are more sociable find it easier to mix with the crowd at social gatherings. They are comfortable expressing their thoughts. Same also reflects on their behaviour on social media sites. They spend more time on Facebook.