


消费者在购买产品之前,首先要依靠身体素质来获得满足感。实物证据是指制成品或服务的形式、结构、设计和包装等实物属性。换句话说,与产品的有形沟通相关的所有方面都属于实物证据的范围。物理证据包括室内和室外设计、景观、布局、空气、温度和周围环境。消费者认为具有良好物理品质的产品会在使用中复制相同的体验。实物证据有助于在消费者群体中引起兴趣。兴趣的增加转化为对产品的更高需求。需要注意的是,如此巨大的需求增长是基于与产品相关的物理属性(Cheah, I。Phau,我。,2011)。服务机构非常清楚实物证据在产品销售中的作用和重要性。来自不同监管机构的自由化和经商的便利性使企业能够自由进出而不产生任何实质性的成本。从事服务业的机构面临来自竞争对手的激烈竞争。

这些市场参与者正在努力从他们的竞争对手那里夺取市场份额。实体证据有两种,即组织用于产品差异化的外围证据和基本证据。服务机构使用实物证据来获得市场份额和竞争优势。组织使用不同的沟通策略来吸引顾客购买公司的产品(Kahl, S。,2015)。服务机构向消费者提供附加服务,作为实物证据的一部分。这些组织使提供的服务更容易被客户利用。因此,客户能够将服务与有形产品联系起来。例如,酒店不仅为顾客提供住宿设施,还以多餐餐厅的形式提供餐饮设施。此外,酒店还提供健身房、水疗中心、游泳池等多种娱乐设施,为客户提供全方位的服务。停车场设施和旅游安排是酒店为丰富客户体验而提供的附加服务。


Consumers rely on physical qualities before the initiation of purchase of a product for their satisfaction. Physical evidence refers to physical attributes like form, structure, design and packaging of the manufactured goods or service. In other words, all aspects associated with tangible communication of the product falls under the purview of the physical evidence. Physical evidence comprises of both interior and exterior design, landscape, lay out, air, temperature and surrounding environment. Consumers assume that a product with good physical qualities would replicate the same experience in use. Physical evidence helps in creation of interest among consumer fraternity. Increased interest translates into higher demand for the product. It is important to note that such massive increase in demand is on back of physical attributes associated with the product (Cheah, I., Phau, I., 2011). Service organisations are well aware about the role and significance of physical evidence in the sale of the product. Liberalization from different regulatory bodies and ease of doing business has enabled businesses to enter and exit freely without incurring any substantial costs. Organisations engaged in service sector face tough competition from their rivals.

These market players are scouting to snatch market share from their peer competitors. There are two kinds of physical evidence namely peripheral evidence and essential evidence used by organisations for differentiation of their products. Service organisations use physical evidence for gaining market share and gaining competitive advantage. Organisations use different communication strategies to lure customers for making purchase of the company’s products (Kahl, S., 2015). Service organisations offer add on services to consumers as part of physical evidence. These organisations make the service offering easier for the customers to avail. Thus, customers are able to associate service with the tangible product. For example, hotels not only provide accommodation facilities to the customer but also food facilities in the form of multi cuisine restaurant. In addition, various recreational facilities including gym, spa and swimming pool are provided as a bouquet of services to the customers. Car parking facilities and arrangement for travel are other add-on services provided by hotelier for enriching customer experience.