





Susan and Oscar wrote to Kyle about their individual conversations with John Tucker and complained about his behavior. Their complaints might be just and true but it seems that those were mainly based on the perceptions they have about John Tucker. Susan argues that John is not willing to get her trained by recommending her for Management Development program because she is a woman. She assumes that John is not equally just with woman as she has not seen him promoting any woman in the organization. She totally ignores that there is a possibility that there has been no woman who is equally capable as the men who were promoted and simply assumes that John does not have healthy working relations with women and he is partial or biased.
Similarly, Oscar also does not have good perceptions regarding John Tucker. He does not consider him to be a fair authority a she thinks that he is judging people on the basis of their creed and accent but not on the basis of their capabilities. He perceives that “Bob” whom John is willing to promote by handing him over the responsibility of company’s external projects, is not in any sense more capable them him. He is not satisfied with the view point of John that Oscar should serve the company by taking part in the internal projects only. Oscar blames John that he is unjust and unable to recognize the capabilities being possessed by him. He further claims that John is by passing him by promoting those employees who are less experienced and less capable than Oscar.