


沃尔玛可能面临的管理决策问题是,沃尔玛应该考虑哪些地理区域在澳大利亚市场扩张。为了进一步发展,有必要承认沃尔玛应该把目标定位在哪个位置,因为分析方面是有要求的(Hair, 2015)。这些包括建立特定商店的成本、地理区域内的总体人口以及竞争对手的数量。在经营决策的基础上,对了解该地区的市场情况具有重要的意义。这对于为客户制定有效的营销计划,以确保在提供的价格点上有足够的定位至关重要。这对于考虑人口目标和提供服务的较好模式(Hair and Lukas, 2014)来说更加重要。在一个竞争日益激烈的市场,类似于零售商店的业务,每个参与者都应该跟踪消费者偏好的趋势,并且必须仔细考虑竞争的方式。


对于每一个玩家来说,唯一的机会就是在别人之前主动实施公司的定位。因此,有一个增加的需求水平,以了解市场先于其他。研究设计可以被称为对某一特定公司或行业进行研究的蓝图,以确定取得进展的可能性或失败的关键原因(Cova和Dalli, 2009)。这需要进行二次研究设计。好的研究设计将尽量减少对因果假设关系的似是而非的解释。然而,除了设计之外,这些类型的解释可以以各种方式最小化或排除。良好的结构设计方法是研究设计的关键。


The problem of management decision that Wal-Mart might face is regarding which geographic areas should be considered by Wal-Mart for expanding in the market of Australia. For expanding further ahead, it becomes necessary to acknowledge which location should be targeted by Wal-Mart as there will be requirement for analysing aspects (Hair, 2015). These include costs to set up a specific store, overall population within the geographical area, and the number of competitors. On the basis of the decision of management for opening a store, it lies significance in understanding the situation of market across that area. This is further ahead crucial for the creation of an efficient plan of marketing for the customers to ensure adequate positioning, featured upon the points of price being offered. This is further ahead important for considering the population targeted and the preferable mode for delivering the service (Hair and Lukas, 2014). In a market of increased competition that is similar to the business of retail store, each and every player should be tracking the trends of preferences of the consumer and there must be a close consideration of the approaches of competition.

For each and every player, the sole chance is only the proactive implementation of firm positioning before done by anyone else. Therefore, there is an increased level of demand in order to understand the market prior to the others. Research design can be referred to as a blue print for conducting research on a specific company or industry, for identifying the key reasons for the possibilities or failure of achieving progress (Cova and Dalli, 2009). This will require a secondary research design. Good design of research will be minimizing the plausible optional explanation about the hypothesized relationship of cause and effect. However, these types of explanation may be minimized or ruled out in various ways apart from by the design. A well approach of structure can be considered crucial for the design of research.