


本文将着眼于当代文化中智能手机的GPS传感、跟踪和监控。科技在过去几十年里迅猛发展,并取得了许多飞跃。几十年前,一台电脑几乎要用一个房间来操作,几乎没有人能拥有它。但是今天,一个人可以在我们的手掌上使用并拥有一台功能齐全的电脑,今天,它被称为智能手机设备。智能手机可以执行所有的活动,像电脑,如听音乐,看电影,浏览互联网和玩游戏。智能手机的一个重要组成部分是GPS跟踪位置传感器。在智能手机GPS跟踪的帮助下,人们可以准确地识别你的位置以及你的手机的位置(Andrejevic, 2005)。这些智能手机证明了它们的便利性,但由于GPS跟踪隐私问题是最重要的。我们的行动可以通过GPS传感器跟踪,因此,由于使用智能手机,一个人的隐私可能会被牺牲。了解通过GPS跟踪电话进行的监视以恢复隐私已经变得很重要。

我运用福柯的penopticism、surveillance和panoptical structure的概念,通过GPS的跟踪来展示surveillance。福柯解释了泛光主义的概念,以及他所关注的一个核心思想,即通过微妙的力量来控制和控制人口。在当今的现代化文化中,这种排序和控制是通过GPS传感器等数字化元素来实现的。福柯的理论在当今先进的技术环境和不断增加的监控技术中变得更加中肯。福柯的泛光主义提出了一种被第三人称控制的观点或者说有人在监视我们。福柯在他的文章中指出,panopticon效应的主要作用是,让囚犯意识到他或她被管制者监视的事实,或让囚犯意识到他或她被管制者监视,并确保权力的永久性可见性和功能。事情的安排应该是这样的,尽管监视并没有起作用,但要假装监视正在起作用(福柯,1990)。由于使用了智能手机的GPS跟踪功能,监控变得容易得多。


The essay will look at the GPS sensing, tracking and surveillance with the Smart Phones in contemporary culture. Technology is growing intensely from past few decades and it has made many leaps and bounds. Before several decades, a computer used to take almost a whole room to operate and hardly anyone could own it. But today, one can use and own a full functioning computer in the palm of our hand and today, it is known as smart phone devices. The smart phones can perform all the activities like computer such as listening music, watching movies, browsing the internet and playing games. One of the significant elements of smart phones is GPS tracking location sensor. With the help of GPS tracking in the smart phones, one can accurately identify your location as well your phone’s location (Andrejevic, 2005). These smart phones are proving their convenience but due to the GPS tracking privacy issues are on the top. Our movements can be tracked through this GPS sensor and hence one’s privacy can be sacrificed due to the use of smart phones. It has become important to know about the surveillance which carried out through GPS tracking phones to regain privacy.

I used Foucault’s concept of penopticism, surveillance and panoptic structures to demonstrate the surveillance through GPS tracking. Foucault explains the panopticism concept and a central idea behind his concern were controlling and ordering the population with the help of subtle forces. In today’s modernized culture, such ordering and controlling performed through digitalized element like GPS sensor. Foucault’s theories have become more pertinent in today’s advanced technology environment and increased surveillance techniques. Foucault’s concept of panopticism brought up an idea of being controlled by the third person or it’s a thought that someone is watching us. In his essay, Foucault states that, the major panopticon effect was, to aware the inmate about the fact that or make inmate conscious that he or she has been watched by the controller and assure the permanent visibility and functioning of power. The things should be arranged in such way that though surveillance is not in action but pretend that surveillance is in its effect (Foucault, 1990). The surveillance has become much easier with the use of smart phone’s GPS tracking.