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Cellphones should be banned to reduce cyber bullying and cellphones usefulness as search tool
Cyber bullying is one of the factors due to which the smartphones should not be allowed in classrooms. More than 20 percent of the students experience a single encounter of bullying once in their lifetime (Woda, 2017). The internet provides with the ability of bullying the other through anonymity due to which the increases access of bullying prone areas such as classrooms increases the cyber-bullying instances (Woda, 2017).
The cyber bullying has a severely negative impact and consequences to the affected students and individuals. It causes a wide range of physical, emotional and psychological stress. In general, the consequences of cyber bullying may make it dangerous for the development of social anxiety and depression (Woda, 2017).
Wide range of researchers including students hold the consensus that the cell phones should be allowed within the classroom settings on the basis of the usefulness it presents as a tool for undertaking brief search and research (Ross, 2017). However, it is found that majority of the students misuse the tool for playing due to which the negative effective offset the benefits and possess risk to the learning.

The discussion has proved the thesis statement of this essay lies in establishing that the cell phones should be banned in classrooms as it causes addiction, distraction and cyber bullying to the students. It is recommended for both the parents and policy framework of school to realize the consequences of smartphone ownership for the students and providing with an interactive digital based learning experience to alleviate the students of complaints related to boredom.

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