


In order to investigate the research question, the data was collected after the research in four different organizations. In order to do the same, the questionnaire was conducted among the employees of these two organizations. The primary mode of the survey was through the multiple choice questions each having two or more options for the employees to select from. A yet another question was that how effective is the social media for the purpose of improving the employee communication and collaboration. 91 % of the employees agreed that the social media channels can be effective mediums for the employee collaboration and communication. Another question was that if their organization uses social media for the purpose of helping their fellow employees. Around 87 % of the employees accepted, ‘yes, they helped the employees’ to use different forms of social media for the purpose of helping the other employees.

The very first of the organization is a UK television company which has adopted social media as a tool for the purpose of recruitment. The second company is an international telecommunication company situated in UK, which uses social media for the purpose of communication and collaboration with the managers. The third organization was global multinational IT Company which uses extensive social media for the purpose of employee engagement (Tapscott & Williams, 2007). The fourth company is an automobile company. In order to do the survey, the very first question was to know about the position of the employee in the company. Out of the 50 employees, around 16 were working on the role of the HR, 14 were working as a team manager in their company, and 12 of the people were the employees and the remaining were the fresher who were recently recruited by the company. The next question was to ask the company in which the people work. It was found that out of the 50 people, around 19 were working for the UK Television company, 8 were working for the international telecomm company, and 16 were working for IT Company.

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