

论文代写-新兴市场跨国公司的特点。在许多分析中,新兴市场跨国公司都受到了详细的调查。已经有很多关于这方面的研究。20世纪60年代,拉丁美洲的公司和公司向其他发展中国家扩张,掀起了第一波国际扩张浪潮(Andreff, 2003)。继这一新兴市场之后,来自亚洲的台湾、新加坡、香港、印度和中国在1980年代以来的第二波浪潮中发挥了主导作用(UNCTAD, 2005)。尽管增长迅速,但这些企业的活动范围直到20世纪90年代才达到顶峰,这被视为第三次浪潮。塔塔(Tata)、联想(Lenovo)和华为(Huawei)等许多新兴企业的崛起,不仅是它们在本土市场上的竞争对手,也对一些发达市场的先进跨国公司构成了威胁。因此,新兴市场跨国公司的话题一直被给予相当的重视。接下来论文范文论文代写-新兴市场跨国公司的特点分享给留学生阅读。

Emerging markets multinationals have been probed in detail in many analyses. There have been many researches that have been undertaken for the same. In 1960s, corporations and firms from Latin American expanded to other developing countries that surged the first wave of international expansion (Andreff, 2003). Subsequent to this emerging market from Asian like Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, India and China played an dominate role in the second wave since 1980s (UNCTAD, 2005). In spite of the rapid growth, the scope of those firms’ activities has not reached a peak until 1990s, which is regarded as the third wave. The emergence of many EMNEs like Tata, Lenovo and Huawei not only act as a competitive rival in their local market, but also a threat to some advanced multinationals in developed markets. Hence, the topic of emerging market multinationals has always been given considerable importance.

In the current times, there is a controversy that is ongoing. It concerns the behaviours of those market new-borns. Some argue that existing theories, which developed by analysing advanced multinationals, is no longer suitable for firms from emerging markets (Hennart, 2012),while others debate that existing theories are adequate and still applicable to emerging market multinationals (Narula, 2012). Neutrally, scholars hold his view that existing theories can be extend by analysing emerging market multinationals instead of developing new one.
Regardless of those views, the actual differences between emerging market multinationals and their developed country counterparts is the key point to understanding emerging market multinationals, include their advantages and internationalization motivation. It has been observed that even though the notion of these multinationals is to generate profits (Park & Vanhonacker, 2007). Nevertheless, the modalities of operations are found to vary between the two systems. There are key advantages and disadvantages that have been observed these are elucidated in detail in the following.

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