

论文代写-为报纸和网站吸引“分类”广告。目前的在线新闻媒体和更多的通常是不能在自己的空间处理。与广播和电视不同的是,印刷媒体在读者方便的时候仍然可以访问。现在,虽然这是一些特定的消费者细分市场的情况,但它不能适用于所有的情况。现在在分类广告的例子中,可以看到来自网络的强大威胁。报纸分类广告的影响范围比其他在线风险投资要小(施耐德,2010)。例如,在分类招聘的背景下,出现了一些特殊的网站,如monster.com。因此,为了吸引报纸和网站的分类广告,新闻媒体公司也有必要投资类似的网站。例如,《洛杉矶时报》旗下的“环球拍卖公司”(Los Angeles Times Universe)就创立了“拍卖宇宙”(Auction Universe)等分类公司。这些专用网站的形式迎合了报纸的特定受众群体。《洛杉矶时报》的读者会相信他们的新公司的声誉,因此这些分类广告成功地为报纸及其专门的风险网站吸引了广告。然而,研究表明,这些形式的企业也受到了挑战,因为其他企业也试图以一种独立的方式提供分类信息,这带来了激烈的竞争。

The research conducted in the 8,500 schools which was presented in the above subsection indicated that students are eager to learn on the print source. However this is the case only within the classrooms, once the student leaves the classrooms then it could so happen that they don’t read at all and might be hooked onto other online socializing more. Even the move towards introducing convenient ways of newspaper reading online might not help here. In this context, it was necessary for publishers to introduce ways for their audience (both their emerging audience and their existing ones) to have a way to look them up online by their web placement or websites. The social media sites such as Facebook are of help here and this is an option used much by news media such as CNN, the Guardian, and HLN etc.

Facebook is a social media site that is being used by more than 800 million people and around 350 million mobile users. Newspapers such as ‘The Guardian’ have taken up to publishing news excerpts directly on the Facebook in an attempt to connect with the audience directly. Facebook apps have been released by the Guardian, too. Usage of this app will intimate other users of the news that their friends on Facebook are reading. Clicking on the published news excerpt usually takes them to a more convenient, full length readable version of the news on their phone, or tablet. “It’s not about making the Guardian reading experience “better”, it’s about making it “more social” is how one Guardian staffer explains it. “Younger readers are the great mystery – they are interested in news but they don’t want it in an -old fashioned printed format”. Now these newspapers have understood that young readers or their future audiences do have an interest in reading but might not always look up to reading on the print media. They might want to do reading more conveniently. To awaken an interest in them so that they can read directly from the website or subscribe to the website, it is necessary to have news excerpts presented online. In the mass market, the minority audience is fast growing to become the main audience.

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