




From the past decades, Toyota has always been considered as a company with quality products. The challenges Toyota faced in 2010-2011, were because of the success it carried for a long time. The quality product, which the company was famous for, increased the risk factor involved with company’s reputation. One main reason which Toyota failed to understand was that its commitment to general public was different from the public’s perception about its commitment. In US, the normal culture that prevails is that a company thinks about its own benefit more than public’s benefit. Thus, anything new is considered with eyes of suspicion. When Toyota introduced automated products, it leads to more information that was demanded by the mass public. Initially, the company’s employees were able to answer most of the questions and were able to keep the situation under control, but slowly started hiding company’s information in order to stick to their own facts. This increases suspiciousness in general public. After that what happened is a natural occurrence which occurs during any crisis. The company’s staff became insecure about their own position and thus became more cautious in sharing information. Customers on the other hand became more suspicious and started demanding more information through other means which involve lawsuits and courts. This all led to the formation of reputation management (Piotrowski, 2010). Following are the factors which affected company’s reputation and demands that reputation should be managed.