


When Art Nouveau spread around the world, it also paved its way into the art culture of England. England was known for various styles and designs of arts and numerous artist of varying scale who were working on innovative and emerging art styles and designs. In this boom of art in England, Art Nouveau appeared vibrantly. There are various models of different forms of arts which were created, collected and marketed in England. There is a famous building of Art Nouveau architecture in Glasgow, England. It is the famous Glasgow School of Art. This building was designed by Mackintosh based on his inspiration of Art Nouveau (Amaya, 1966). This building is among the great buildings of Glasgow as well as England which has Art Nouveau style architecture and motifs. This building has been an attraction for tourists who visit Glasgow. There are many art models of Art Nouveau in England including samples of architectures, jewellery, glassware, object illustrations and numerous other works inspired by Art Nouveau. Some of the major art collections of Art Nouveau are discussed in this essay to elaborate the marketing and inspirations of Art Nouveau in England.

Pugin and Ruskin were the English artists of that time. They were united with each other at the idea of how the architecture of England should be, but still they could not stand with each other due to personal glitches. One of them was Catholic Christian (Pugin) while other was Protestant (Ruskin). Pugin is known to develop an architecture which regarded and incorporated the perks of the place where it was built. His architectural piece contained Gothic efficiency and Gothic Englishness (Amaya, 1966). Similarly, Ruskin also pursued the efficiency, truthfulness and essence of the place in architecture. He emphasized on these characteristics even more than Pugin. According to Ruskin, if the plot or plane is not symmetrical, it should not be hide or deliberately made symmetrical, rather beautification and enhancement of its features and dissymmetry, creating it and its surroundings as artistic composition (Eisenman, 1994). This idea of Ruskin is inspired from neoclassicism.

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