


The work of the young film makers was thematically complex, yet it was innovative and new. The New Hollywood is also considered as new because it dismissed the old studio system and demolished the Production Code that had restricted many things. It can also be concluded that the post was social and economic factors have been responsible for the development of new American Cinema and New Hollywood. The series of audience demographics in society, culture, and politics as well as in media and technology influenced the studio system and paved the path for New Hollywood. These were the new changes and developments that are significant for naming this era as “New Hollywood”. This period also gave a new generation of young actors and provided the freedom and independence to film makers that they were longing for.

There was restriction on nudity, violence, sex, and use of language. The restriction was also placed on the depiction of immoral behaviour, extra marital affairs, criminal behaviour, and the presentation of religious criticism of (Kramer, 2005). However, abolition of this production code had revolutionized the Hollywood film industry. The screen products coming out of the American film industry were completely different. Film makers begun enjoying their freedom and offering the adults content as well through films (Lewis, 2007). This was why New Hollywood was considered as “New”, because it broke the old industry norms.

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