論文代寫 推薦:日產公司


論文代寫 推薦:日產公司
在Cogent車型中,日產為供應商提供了密集的快速課程和培訓模塊,以提高效率。通過專注於產品設計開發,公司在質量、成本和開發時間上節約了80% (Waters & Rinsler, 2014)。在Cogent模型中,供應商必須關注產品生命週期(PLC)的開發階段。供應商在日產產品開發中扮演著不可或缺的角色。調查發現,不同的供應商對原材料有很大的需求。因此,日產需要整合併提高供應商的能力。 Kraljic模型可以用來了解日產所遵循的實踐。日產公司採用了一種類似於Kraljic產品組合購買模式的模式。在這個模型中,第一步是對材料進行分類。供應材料是根據利潤影響和供應風險進行分類的,這是該模型考慮的兩個維度(Kraljic, 1983)。它們的定義是從低到高。在利潤影響維度中,需要考慮的因素是某些產品如何影響最終產生的利潤。在供應風險中,需要考慮產品的可用性。
使用這兩個基本框架,可以生成四種產品分類(Kraljic, 1983)。這個通用模型用於將項目分類為戰略項目、瓶頸項目、利用項目和非關鍵項目。在這個模型中,這四個區域被劃分為像限。由此,第二方面是對產品最終可交付量的市場分析。市場分析是通過分析宏觀環境和微觀環境過程來解讀的。波特五力模型、SWOT分析和杵分析是做出這一判斷的好工具(Waters & Rinsler, 2014)。這一過程的第三個階段是為產品在市場上的戰略定位設計一個位置。在此模型中可以設計投資組合矩陣來確定買方的角色。最後一個階段是製定實際的行動計劃。將該模型作為一個公式來解釋這種供給策略的形成。開發高價值供應商,保持供應商之間的平衡,最終實現供應商的多元化是該模型的重點。

論文代寫 推薦:日產公司

In the Cogent model, Nissan provided supplier with intensive fast track courses and training modules to improve efficiency. By focusing on product design development, the company was able to save 80% on the quality, cost and development time (Waters & Rinsler, 2014). In Cogent model, the supplier had to focus on the development phase of the Product Life Cycle (PLC). Role of suppliers played an integral part in Nissan Product development. It was found that there was a major requirement of raw materials from different suppliers. Hence, there was a need for Nissan to integrate and increase supplier capabilities. Kraljic model can be used to understand the practices followed by Nissan.Nissan Corporation followed a model that is similar to the Kraljic product portfolio-purchasing model. In this model, the first stage is classifying the materials. Supply materials are classified based on profit impact and supply risk, which are the two dimensions considered in this model (Kraljic, 1983). They are defined low to high. In profit impact dimensions, the factor to be considered is how certain products impact the final profits generated. In supply risk, there is consideration regarding the availability of the product.
Using these two fundamental frameworks, four classifications of products are generated (Kraljic, 1983). This generic model is used to classify items into strategic items, bottleneck items, leveraging items and non-critical items. In this model, these four are divided into quadrants. From this, the second aspect is market analysis of the final deliverable of the products. Market analysis is deciphered by analyzing macro environmental and micro environmental process. Porter’s five-force model, SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis are good tools to make this determination (Waters & Rinsler, 2014).Third stage of the process is devising a place to strategically position the product in the market. Portfolio matrix can be devised in this model to determine the role of the buyer. Final ultimate phase is developing the actual action plan. This supply strategy forming is deciphered by using this model as a formula. Exploiting the high value supplier, maintaining a balance and finally diversification of the suppliers are the key points of this model.