


在这场革命中,女性在英美军队中扮演了积极的角色。这些妇女大多是士兵和军官的女儿。这些妇女为许多形式的军队服务,他们被命名为野营花。他们曾经做过烹饪,洗衣,修补,护理和儿童保育。革命期间强调的一些非凡的女士们将与他们在美国革命中的贡献一起讨论。黛博拉·桑普森(Deborah Sampson)是革命时最富有激情的军人,为了服兵役而离开了家庭。她在美国独立战争中进行了许多次战斗,并确定了她的服务。另一位名叫玛格丽特·柯克兰·科尔宾(Margaret Cochran Corbin)的女性贡献者在那个以莫莉船长的名字而闻名的革命时期。她是一个露营花,她和丈夫一起服务。她有装火炮和管理炮兵的知识。另一个阵营花是玛丽·路德维希·海斯(Mary Ludwig Hays),她也在战斗中陪同丈夫。她曾经为部队供水,这是她获得了莫莉·皮彻的名字的原因。除此之外,革命期间还有许多其他妇女的贡献。大多数妇女担任间谍,这是一个很大的贡献。妇女冒着生命危险为军队服务成为间谍。这些女人在英美军营当厨师和女佣,所以他们可以窃听所有的问题。他们被要求窃听军事计划,部队调动,供应短缺等。美国独立战争期间的另一个贡献者是菲利斯·惠特利(Phillis Wheatley),她以诗歌形式在美国殖民地作出贡献。


In this revolution women took an active role in British and American armies. Most of these women were daughters of soldiers and officers. These women for serving the army in many forms and they were given the name of Camp flowers. They used to do cooking, laundry, mending, nursing and childcare. Some of the remarkable ladies that were highlighted during the revolution will be discussed along with their contributions in American Revolution. Deborah Sampson was the most passionate soldier in the army during the revolution and she left her family just to serve the army. She fought many battles and was determined about her services during the American Revolution. Another women contributor with the name of Margaret Cochran Corbin was there during the revolution that was famous with the name of Captain Molly. She was a camp flower and she was serving with her husband. She had the knowledge of loading the fire cannons and administering the artilleryman in the company. Another camp flower was Mary Ludwig Hays and she was also accompanying her husband in the battle. She used to supply water to the troops and that was the reason she gained the name of Molly Pitcher. Along with this there were many other contributions that were presented by women during the revolution. Most of the women served as spies and that was a big contribution. Women risked their lives and property to serve in the army for becoming spies. These women were serving as cooks and maids in the British and American military camps so they can eavesdrop about all the issues. They were asked to eavesdrop about the military plans, troop movements, supply shortages etc. another contributor during the American Revolution was Phillis Wheatley and she contributed in the form of her poetry in colonial America.