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Service providers try to address the needs of the (internal or external) consumers and try to find about the things that the people care about. Service quality is a good measurement tangent to understand these implementations. In this paradigm, the concept of pricing is very important. In the case of service providers, the most important facet is service quality. The company needs to understand the gaps in the services that are provided in order to decipher the appropriate service metrics. SERVQUAL is an important dimension. The gap analysis focuses on the difference between customer expectations and customer perceptions with related to the services. Customer expectation is defined as to what the customer expects based on their socio-economic background. Customer perception is subjective and is based on customer’s interaction with product or service. Perception can be explained as the factor of meeting the consumer expectation. The customer gap needs to be developed in order to meet the consumer requirements for the company. To overcome this issue, the company can adhere to the following changes.

Training the employees: The employee need to be encouraged to think in terms of customer care. This must go beyond normal basic service. There must creation of an amiable environment, willingness to address the needs of the consumers and the acts in which the company can ensure consumer happiness needs to be factored (Fitzsimmons, Fitzsimmons and Bordoloi, 2006).
Small victories need to be celebrated by the manager. They need to make the employee feel valued in the system. In this process, all the stakeholders will be benefit.

Discussion with the consumer that is more than social media need to be practiced. There must be customized service provided for the needs of the consumers.
It is expected that the companies address this need to create a more comprehensive service to the people. It is imperative to understand that not all dimensions are important to all the customers. The sector, consumer ideology, social notion and the innate resources that are available to the company all factor into this paradigm. The company can derive appropriate solutions based on these notions.

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