

在本篇论文代写-买卖双方交换结果的取决因素中,买卖双方交换的结果取决于许多因素,这取决于主要的供求因素。在供应商有高需求产品的情况下,其结果往往发展成为供应商的主导地位。在交换关系中存在特定资源的相对效用价值和稀缺价值(Sindi和Roe, 2017)。例如,在2000年的房地产泡沫中,房地产市场被认为是卖方市场。在这种情况下,房地产需求量很大,即使房地产价格过高,人们也愿意在市场上购买。随后出现了房地产市场崩盘。这引起了卖家的兴趣。但当房地产市场崩盘时,则认为购房协议是根据买方的需要而变更的。这被发现在供应链的某些部分造成了买方主导、独立或供应商主导的局面。这些都会影响电力状况。有一种人类的无形因素需要在这个范例中被考虑,这同样取决于产品在自由市场上的商业成功。接下来有关论文代写-买卖双方交换结果的取决因素如下:

In the circumstances where the supply of the product is limited, the supplier will have autonomy to control the processes. The electric company such as Duke Energy will have more dominance for the sales of the product in situations of autonomy. The companies are found to be dependent on these intrinsic factors that must be factored to be considered in the situation. For example, the company within supply chains needs to be aware of the power structure to gain comprehension (Sindi and Roe, 2017). In the event of the automotive giant Toyota, they want to expand operation in the emerging markets. Given the brand names in these systems, it is evident that they are able to gain dominance in the manufacturing and supply chain. This typically happens when the demand of the particular product is more. Another example is the development of the electric cars that are eco-friendly. It is evident that the companies such as Tesla that has gained patronage in the markets will have more power in the relationship.
It is evident that the companies in general want to be more dominant in the relationship. This is to ensure that they have leverage to handle the business transactions. Statistics have proven that in the past that companies can benefit more from dominance when compared to interdependence (Graca, Barry, and Doney, 2015). When a company has leverage in the business transactions by maintaining dominance, they can gain the best possible rate and their survival will also increase in the process. It is evident that these would depend on the external market requirement for the products that the companies make together as a whole. For some brands, there will be increase in the intangibles, and in these situations the buyer is made to pay more for the product. This can be explained as the surplus value. In this the parties are found to work with each other to add value.
Another important factor that needs to be considered is the impact of culture and subjective internal factors that dominate the relationship (Ribbink, and Grimm, 2014). These impact the final ways in which there is formulation of the final outcomes of the relationship.

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