


通过对我要写的专业的关键属性进行小范围的分析,我对文本有了很大的关注。根据Hyland(2011)的研究,即使有一些复杂的练习,更多的强调简单的任务,鼓励我作为一个学习者,检查文本是否有作者在场(Hyland 2011)。这些类型的对比反思有助于我展示特定的实践是特定于特定群体的,并有助于确定语言的使用程度和使用程度。在考虑写作身份的协商之前,根据Fadda(2012),重要的是要注意到,与个体反身自我概念相关的核心过程是通过与他人的象征性交流而发展起来的(Fadda 2012)。我认为,沟通的过程在与身份相关的问题上有着巨大的意义,同时也考虑到了全球化,同时专注于一个具体的分析探讨的协商身份的考虑与跨文化主义的沟通。根据Bartholomae和Peter(1995)的观点,身份被认为是关于谈判过程的结果,在谈判过程中涉及到沟通或互动、个性化的自我概念以及语境或文化(Bartholomae和Peter 1995)。
我专注于为他们的建立协商我的写作身份,以帮助增加连贯性的机会。考虑到写作身份的协商是我作业中互动的关键因素,根据Hyland(2011)的观点,我有责任与我的研究对象和同龄人发展人际关系(Hyland 2011)。在我为大学写作时,当我说服自我验证时,文章中出现了几种互动模式。有一种行为模式和群体分化,使我的写作结构和边界具有更高的安全范围。如Swann(2006)所述,我在写作中注重四个关键原则,它们为写作身份的有效协商提供了依据。这些原则是:1)交互时的明确性;2)交互时的合作性;3)在保持相同上下文的情况下,身份协商的连续性;4)在保持交互范围的情况下,身份协商的兼容性(Fadda2012)。


There is an involvement of significant focus over the texts, being achieved by conducting mini- analyses about the key attributes in the majors I have to write in. According to Hyland(2011), even though there is an involvement of some elaborate exercises, more emphasis is laid upon simple task encouraging me as a learner, for examining texts for presence of the writer(Hyland 2011). These types of contrastive reflection is helpful for me to show specific practices as being specific to certain groups and for the identification of how much and how less there can be utilization of language. Before considering the negotiation of writing identity, according to Fadda (2012), it is important to note that the core processes related to reflexive self- conceptions of individuals are developed via symbolically communicating with the others (Fadda 2012). I feel that the processes of communication are said to be having a tremendous significance in issues related to identity, and taking into consideration the globalization as well, while focusing on a specific analytically explored negotiation of identity in consideration with the communication of inter- culturalism. According to Bartholomae and Peter (1995), identity has been referred to as the result regarding the process of negotiation in which there is an involvement of communication or interaction, individualized self- conception, and context or culture (Bartholomae and Peter 1995).
I focus on negotiating my writing identity for their establishment in a manner that helps in increasing the chances of coherence. Considering the fact that negotiation of writing identities is the key element of interaction in my assignment, according to Hyland (2011), there is a responsibility for developing interpersonal relationships with my studies and peer(Hyland 2011). In my writings for the University when I persuade self- verification, there is an emergence of several patterns of interaction in the piece of writing.There is a pattern of behavior and differentiation of group making structures and boundaries of my writing with a higher scope of security. I focus on four key principles in my writing that provide an effective negotiation of writing identity as mentioned by Swann (2006). These principles are 1) clarity while interacting, 2) cooperation while interacting, 3) continuity in negotiation of identities while keeping up the same context, and 4) compatibility among the negotiation of identities while maintaining the scope of interaction (Fadda2012).