

第二項研究比較輕快,節奏複雜,尤其是在對比使用複合時間符號的同時,保留了強烈的旋律感。在第三個研究中,重複使用了不同的音程,這在構成中很明顯的增廣曲元中可以看到。第五項研究是《憤怒的託卡塔》(furious toccata),其中使用了無情的半分音符形。它具有較強的旋律感,與第二項研究相同。在整個研究過程中,巨大的張力和不斷的高潮,直到嚴酷的高潮。每一個姿態都是有效的,都是經過精心策劃的。最厚的不和諧的音符被給予足夠的時間來增加音樂的紋理的深度。即使在這幅作品中,對自由色彩技巧的獨特運用和它對音調的暗示也被認為是與音樂形式一起工作的。他提倡使用十二種聲調。在所有的演奏中,和弦的發展過程中都可以看到動詞的音型。
舒伯特奏鳴曲d959是他最後的大型奏鳴曲之一(D958;D959;D960)。它於1828年9月完工,比他去世早兩個月。作曲家打算把它獻給亨梅爾。在這三首奏鳴曲中,它包含了對1927年初貝多芬作品的回憶。這三首奏鳴曲直到1920年施納貝爾將這三首奏鳴曲收錄在他的獨奏曲中才為人所知。從這部作品中,它後來被許多鋼琴家引入音樂會曲目。三首奏鳴曲顯然是在暗指舒伯特自傳的三個主要章節,即在舒伯特的譯文中有對過去、現在和未來的參考或類型化。 D959是一首敞開心扉的抒情樂曲。它不像C小調那樣猛烈,也不像B調奏鳴曲那樣超凡脫俗。這是一種調和的傾向,似乎是在中間地帶鋪路。這首曲子是在宏偉的管弦樂隊之間的平衡,同時也結合了親密的類似歌曲的元素。


The second study was light with complicated rhythm, particularly in its contrasting use of compound time signatures while retaining a strong melodic sense. In the third study there is the recurrent use of the various intervals this is seen in the particularly the augmented triton that is evident in the composition. The fifth study is a furious toccata with relentless semiquaver figurations. It has strong melodic sense, which is same as the second study. The tremendous tension throughout this study and keep crescendo until the harsh climax. Every gesture is effective and is carefully manoeuvred. The thickest dissonance of the notes are given ample time to add to the depth of the musical textures. Even in this work the characteristic use of free chromatic techniques and its tonal implications are seen to work in cohorts with the musical form. He was a proponent of using the twelve tones. Intervallic verb patterns are seen in the chord progression that is quite evident in all of the renditions.
Schubert Sonata D 959 is one of his last large scale sonatas (D958; D959; D960). It was finished in September 1828, two months before his death. The composer intended to dedicate it to Hummel. In the three sonatas that was developed it contains reminiscences of Beethoven’s work that passed in early 1927. These three sonatas were unknown until Schnabel featured these three sonatas in his recitals in 1920. From this work it was later introduced into the concert repertoire by many pianists.Three sonatas are apparently an allusion to the three main chapters of Schubert’s autobiography i.e. there is references or typifications to the past, present and future in the renditions by Schubert. D959 is an open-hearted and lyrical piece. It is not as stormy as the C minor or as transcendent and ethereal as B flat sonata. It is a conciliatory disposition that seems to pave in the middle ground. The piece is a balance between the grandiose orchestra and also combines elements of the intimate song-like phrase.