


The company could have brought in a strategic investor, who could have proved to be the best guide for the company. Sometimes, a new guide or a leader provides a fresh perspective and makes one aware of their mistakes and faults, which were invisible to them or they were simply ignorant of them. The new leader makes necessary adjustments and decision and provides a new plan of action which revives the employee morale, and also breaks the mental and psychological barrier that once restricted everyone from being action oriented and produces results on a massive scale. This is a nice step when selling and exiting is not a strategy, which is conducive and is prone to make losses for owners and the shareholders.
The company could have embarked on a massive customer survey, which is the fundamental requirement for any organisation to understand the market demand and make it more accommodative (Forde and Pitino, 2014). If it had happened the company could have made more progress by inventing new products, providing GSM enabled handsets with more buttons, more colour schemes, and more options for them to consider. The customer decisions are more supportive for the company, as it provides support for the product manufacturing and delivers what is the market requirement. It is nevertheless a tedious task, but with proper application, appropriate assessment, and thorough analysis the company could have made inroads into customer loyalty and retained them for long term.
Thus, the turnaround or exit strategies would be multiple because every factor of influence could be made into a checklist and would be considered, as a more comprehensive and elaborated model of sustainable business practice.

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