

论文代写价格-降低员工适应新组织文化的风险。在任何组织中,改变文化都不是短期的事情。为了提高生产率而改变领导风格,将需要员工一段时间来适应这些改变,因此,这只会让工作场所不适应更多的责任。建议在员工中培养领导能力,这样他们就会对工作充满动力和兴趣(Ziaullah, 2008)。这将降低所有员工适应新组织文化的风险,而且生产率不会降低。

The employer growth depends highly on the team strength and their interest towards the employer. Every organization wants to develop happy culture among the employee. All the future goals are connected to today’s strategy of happiness (Headlee, Sue 2005). Therefore, if there is helpline and counselling options in the organization for any kind of issue or problems for employee they will feel happy and will have more productivity. The confidentiality issue can be resolved by keeping few regulations and protocols in the organization.
Action 9- Face to face interviews with employees
Risk: Communication barriers, may feel anxious
The best way to communicate with people in the organization is discuss with them face to face. Weekly or monthly face to face discussions will help people to more open to each other and discuss their problems. This will break communications barriers but employee will feel anxious to have such meetings weekly or monthly.

In any organization, I feel that there should not be any kind of gender discrimination among the employees. While I was writing this research paper, I found it very interesting because I got to know various theories and applications that can be applied to make the work culture better and productive. I researched a lot and then identified five objectives that are important to make the work culture great and avoid any kind of discriminations. Based on these all five objectives I identified, I also figured out 9 actions to be takin in the organization and also the associated risks with that so that these risks can be avoided or reduced too.
I spent lots of time in researching and identifying these actions and risks so that I can think about plans by which the gender discrimination can be controlled and happiness among the employees can be prioritized. This will help them to be more productive and the organization will have high growth plans with right strategy and management.
I would say that the entire research was great with my own action plans for that. I feel very great for the same work that I did in the assignment caused I had lots of learning during this work and planning for gender discrimination in the workplace.
I enjoyed the entire time I spent, researched I did, thoughts I provided for solving this issue was nice experience overall. I finally ended up doing the right work with right approach and right actions. Finally, my learnings were great during this assignment and hence I am thankful for giving me this opportunity for more learning applying thoughts for real life scenarios.

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