


供应商开发是买方和供应商协同工作以扩大能力和改进产品质量的一项举措。在这一过程中,为了促进更好的关系和提高供应商的能力,某些供应商优先于其他供应商。它还有助于与个别供应商建立更好的沟通和融洽关系。这是一个依赖于买家和供应商之间有效沟通和友好关系的动态模型。在1990年初,对自由贸易开放的边界给日产带来了独特的问题。全球化和新竞争的进入使得公司需要采用更具战略性和竞争性的敏捷模型(Waters & Rinsler, 2014)。他们不得不调整自己的供应链做法,以满足日益增长的需求。球状模型内的供应商管理是日益激烈的竞争供应商,提供反馈给供应商改善流程,为供应商提供证书和证书会议还标准,确保供应商有足够的训练为他们提供增加效益,降低成本,确保可持续性的供应商(Handfield,克劳斯& Scannell, 1998)这将有助于公司实现其主要目标。

日产还采用了类似克劳斯模型的供应商开发指标。日产采用了更倾向于精益生产的车型。公司需要降低开发生产成本,减少产品开发时间,优化资源,达到欧洲标准,提高产品的供应商能力。NX1、Next 21和Cogent是日产随后开发的三款车型,目的是增强供应商的产品能力。Cogent模型是一个相对较新的模型,在很多方面取代了NEXT21模型(Waters & Rinsler, 2014)。所有这些模式都是盈利的。令人信服的模型尤其显示了一个令人印象深刻的11%的增长,而从模型预测的增长率是5%。将供应商分为三大类,为每一类供应商提供定制化的培训。它投入了大量的资源和时间为供应商提供培训。为他们提供足够的认证,确保供应商持续提供优质的原材料。


Supplier development is an initiative where the buyer and the suppliers work in cohesion to expand capabilities and improve product quality. In this process, certain suppliers are given priority over others to facilitate better relationship and enhance supplier capability. It also helps build better communication and rapport with individual suppliers. This is a dynamic model that is dependent on effective communication and amicable relationships between the buyers and suppliers. In the early 1990, opening of the borders to free trade had given rise to unique issue for Nissan. Globalization and entry of new competition had given the need for the company to adopt a more strategic and competitive agile model (Waters & Rinsler, 2014). They had to manoeuvre their supply chain practices to meet the growing demands. Krause model of supplier management was about increasing competition within the supplier, providing feedback to the supplier for improvement in processes, supplying with credentials and certificates for suppliers meeting standards and also ensuring that the supplier have adequate training provided for them to increase benefits, reduce costs and ensure sustainability of the suppliers (Krause, Handfield, & Scannell, 1998) This would help any company to meet its primary objectives.

Nissan also adopted a supplier development metrics similar to the Krause model.Nissan adopted models that were more inclined towards lean production. There was a need for the company to cut costs in developmental production, reduce time taken for product development, optimize resources, meet European standards and enhance supplier capabilities of the product. NX1, Next 21 and Cogent models were three subsequent models developed in Nissan to enhance supplier product capabilities. Cogent model is a relatively new model that is in many ways lieu with NEXT21 model (Waters & Rinsler, 2014). All of these models were profitable. Cogent model in particular showed an impressive 11% growth when the predicted growth rate was 5% from the model. It classified its supplier into three main groups and provided customized training for each group of the suppliers. It has devoted a lot of resources and time to provide training to the suppliers. Provided them with adequate certification and ensured that the suppliers delivered the superior raw materials continually.