

正确的平衡长期和短期的观点是成功的企业可持续发展的关键。然而,有很多证据表明,长期目标往往被忽视,因为更多的关注短期目标。这是一种短期主义现象,导致整个经济的长期潜力下降。此外,这种短期主义导致对公司或组织的战略、长期价值创造和基本要素的关注不够(BIS 2012)。应该注意的事实是,关心短期目标是需要考虑的。必须考虑这一问题,因为当决策开发人员选择关注长期而不是短期时,短期问题就会发生。当决策者忽视制定短期目标,而过分关注短期优势时,问题就会进一步出现。接下来论文代写价格-公司的短期压力分析如下:

It is apparent that by short termism induction defined as more discounted rate of time applicable for decisions of investment and the time horizon foreshortening with short term pressure can inhibit easily the innovation of products. Rather they would have lesser influence over innovation of process as this generally needs a short time for getting a return and as small outlay fractions need devotion towards investment revenues that couldn’t undergo capitalization (Demirag et al 1996). However, it is by no means, apparent from literature that to what range the industry of British is subjected to pressures of short term nature. Across industries in Britain, these short term pressures are immanently developed from external sources such as through banks or stakeholders or in a certain manner from across the organization along with the way in which it actually influenced innovativeness of product. This essay has been prepared to attempt at filling this gap in literature research by supportive evidence in the field. The essay thesis statement lies in discussing the key causes behind British industry short term financial pressure.
Factors contributing to British investors short termism behaviour
Considering the factors contributing to short term shareholders behaviour inclusive of new technology, reduced times for trading, costs for transaction, volatility in the market, coverage of media and increasing institution investor role in turn adding to short term pressure in performance (Demirag et al 1994). There now exist only some challenges to short-termism. In the recent times, technological progress as well as globalization has led towards substantial transaction costs reduction that further makes it much easy for investment makers to not only allocate but also reallocate the capital. This makes it apparent for invest makers to move their finances easily from a company to the other or even for switching to distinct markets completely such as the corporate market for debt, the debt market sovereignty or the market derivatives (Demirag 1995). The investment markers can also move the capital easily between different countries markets. Having so many opportunities for investment makes it possible for investment makers to start allocating funds as per their individual profiling risk and return based on preferences.

In pursuing the needed return from short term over managed assets, institution based investment makers usually carry over fast adjustments of their structure from portfolio, without much focus being given to the individual company’s fundamentals. In turn, this resulted in disregarding the strategy for long term as well as essential value of the firms that are owned through a specific investor institutionally (Demirag 1995). What gains significance is and particular organization performance within the short term? If this is not satisfying, then the shares that the company holds may be replaced with related securities across seconds. Such tendency also can be reinforced through the perspective that fund managers are generally assessed based upon their performance in the short term. They might even get grading and fired over the short term outcomes basis even when the investment purpose lies in providing for retirement advantages in several years (Groot 1998). Within such a setting, even when funded managers are of belief that an organization has a promising investment in the long term, then they still might not buy the stocks only because of what the cost may result in, across short term period. Financial institutions shortening with investment horizon has been reflected in the period for average holding for shared in funds managed professionally that has decreased. Even though the horizon for individual investors has also decreased, it is no more than that of investors from institutional background.

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