


The photograph chosen for this assignment is by Jay Maisel. This photograph dates back to several years when natural light is well used to explore the nuances and produce a fine image. In this paper, the faded and blurred image of Jay Maisel is taken for the discussion in this paper. The photograph and the elements used to capture this photograph are analyzed and necessary inputs to create its replica are identified in the various sections of this paper.
Description and Discussion of efforts
The visual heritage has a long history and the most challenging thing is to replicate a photograph. This specific portrait street photograph undoubtedly gives a delight to the viewer. It has good dynamics and the message is intense. Based on the evaluation of this photograph, it shows that it is into semi automatic exposure mode. Instead of using the device that is meant to shoot a film and capture the motions, I would prefer to use the digital camera that will produce high aesthetics and ISOs are slightly adjustable. It is feasible to replicate the original image to considerable extent.
The procedure involved to replicate this photograph is listed one by one.

The properties used to capture the photograph are given in the pictures below.
The possible obstacles in this case will include the following:
– External climatic conditions that will affect the lighting and warmth of the room
– Unavailable lens that will affect the fading and blurring effects
– Lack of understanding of the subject to pose and replicate the original
– Lack of the same background images that should be stuck to the wall
– Non cooperative ISO sensitivity and shutter and aperture values
– Inappropriate white balance
These are possible obstacles. The right way to overcome these or rather deal with these when they happen is to go for a test shoot in prior. This test shoot will give an idea on the factors that should be taken care of and will expose the photographer to the technology. Spatial proportion will have to be set to moderate value and the facial distortion is not required as the original image has a clear output (Smith 15-20). All these should be tested in the trial shoot. When the original shoot happens, these obstacles can easily be solved with right solutions.
It is evident from this paper that it is possible to replicate the original with the current technology available to capture the photograph. The original photograph is captured by a street – portrait photographer who has a strong understanding of the subject. However, I have produced the dimensions and technologies that are likely to be used to achieve similar outputs.

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