论文代写-Java Lounge的服务设计与服务建设


论文代写-Java Lounge的服务设计与服务建设。在Java Lounge的例子中,管理器声明这确实是正确的。有些消费者走进餐厅,希望它能提供定量音乐或不同的氛围等服务。他们往往对服务员对菜单的了解不以为然,而消费者觉得酒店更传统。这赶走了年轻的消费者。服务能力不符合新时代千禧年消费者的需求。这对餐厅没有任何帮助,周围有很多大学,不能满足年轻消费者的需求是该公司的一大障碍。这是由于缺乏对消费者分析的理解。该公司正在努力实现的服务设计是成为一个优雅的餐厅,迎合千禧一代的消费者。作为第一步,公司可以使用excel表格作为模板来输入消费者的需求。

According to theory, there are four kinds of customer. It is the internal or external customer, end user, stakeholders and the valuable or not valuable consumers. The major challenge that needs to be considered is the negotiation or allocation for the customer. The responsibility in meeting the needs of the customers is of paramount importance. There is a fundamental dilemma as to how to address the needs.
The service design that the company is trying to achieve is to be an elegant restaurant that caters to the millennial consumers. As a first step, the company can use the excel sheet as a template to key in the needs of the consumers.
This system would enable the company to understand the areas of improvement that they can bring in order to improve the service delivery.
The next system in this process is designing services that are needed for the consumers. The service design must not be changed to meet the short term demands of the modern millennial consumers. They need to create a service where the company does not deviate from its original service offering but must make the changes that are required to meet the needs of the current times (Heizer, 2004). They need to increase the customization and interaction to use the consumers.
During the interview with one of the waiters, they explained that they have a social media presence and the staff regularly checks the feedback to understand where they need to improve the services. These feedbacks can be customized and the people need can be met during the course of the service delivery. The interaction between the consumer and the employee needs to be facilitated by the management. They need to create an amiable atmosphere where all the people meet the design of the services. The service managers need to take more control of the oversight to ensure that this process does not end in chaos. The company must set goals that are realistic (Zurich, 2017).
The overall aims and objectives are the simple aim of ensuring that the consumers have an enjoyable experience. Stakeholders need to be clearly aware of the service implications and also develop a steady state services. There must be efforts taken to bridge the gap between the services intended and the requirement of the consumers. It is evident that the companies need to have a system of performance management to ensure that the needs of the customers are met (Heineke and Davis, 2007). In this paradigm, Java Lounge has the simple objective of meeting the consumer requirement to develop more brand patronage for the restaurants. One of the best ways to achieve this paradigm is through the performance management. The performance management needs to be monitored by the company to create a cohesive system where all the stakeholders are benefitted from the operations. The basic tenets of the performance management system is explained in the following.

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