


任何服务管理操作都应该包含这样的元素理解,比如质量功能开发、操作中的全面质量管理、过程焦点和布局。他们还需要担心用于监控和实施服务的人力资源管理、供应链管理、维护福利等(Gilbert et al., 2004)。酒店和服务行业的餐厅必然要不断提高服务管理水平。为了超越竞争对手,他们必须这样做。在这种背景下,对绩效和领导力变化管理影响进行评估的服务操作是墨西哥快餐店Chipotle的服务。


Chipotle已经看到了客户的大幅下降。上门服务的顾客表明他们的服务正在失败。2016年,该公司的股票出现了最严重的下跌,食品安全问题也加大了收购力度(Turner & Patton, 2016)。现在,公司正试图在服务运营方面做出改变,以更好地帮助客户,并致力于在所有分支机构中实现测量系统。这项工作的目的是评估和评估个人的Chipotle服务体验,使用从其他定期在店里用餐的顾客那里收集的主要数据。服务体验是根据所需的服务性能度量技术以及参与变更管理的领导进行评估的。


Any service management operations are to include such element understanding such as the quality function development, the total quality management in operations, the process focus and the layouts. They also have to worry about the human resource management used to monitor and implement their services, the supply chain management, the maintenance benefits etc (Gilbert et al., 2004). It is inevitable that restaurants which are in the hospitality and services industry have to focus on improving their service management constantly. They have to do this in order to rise above their competitors. Given this background context, the service operation being assessed for performance and leadership change management impact is the services of Chipotle, a Mexican fast food restaurant.

Chipotle has been seeing a large drop in customers in current times. The drop-in customers show that their service is failing. In 2016, the company had its worst stock decline with a food safety concern also adding to the foray (Turner & Patton, 2016). Now the company is trying to make changes in service operation for helping customers better and also aim at having measurement systems implemented in all their branches. This work is aimed at assessing and evaluating a personal Chipotle service experience, with the use of primary data collected from other customers who dine at the establishment regularly. The service experience is evaluated in terms of service performance measurement techniques needed and also in terms of the leadership involved in change management.