




The tone of the clip in the movie ‘Perfume’ is muted but is not bleached out completely. A bleached out (faded out) effect is used only in the shot where the protagonist is looking at what life beyond the tannery was. Here the faded out effect serves to show the passage of time in which the thirteen year old protagonist grows up surviving the odds against life in the tannery.
The colour of the movie is in more restrained palette style. Here the colours are present but are thrown together in a more disciplined way. They are not vivid and bright to the eye, but they are present. For instance, in the part where the throat of the old lady is slit, the blood can be seen, but this is not portrayed in a gruesome way that most horror movies might adopt. The blood is red but is not bright red. The rest of the colours in every scene work to highlight the significance of the scene. The shot transition then moves on to the dyeing of clothes which the protagonist is pulling out of water, which strangely carries a shade of red, lighted than the one that portrayed as blood in the previous shot.
In terms of composition, there is a general asymmetry shown in the movie clip. The elements of each of the setting are portrayed in a more fluid, unorganized style. The asymmetrical composition is also carried onto the shot where the people from the tannery move into the mainstream town setting where there are many props and production elements thrown together.
There is not much texture shown in the first part of the clip, however in the second part as the protagonist goes out, texture is created through the different elements shown to be triggering his olfactory senses. Texture is also shown in the fabrics of clothing and is also created in through a book that a man handles.