





Media article does not provide alternate hypothesis.Research article does not goes by making hypothesis and testing them, but alternate ideas which are proposed in previous studies have been stated. Afterwards, author has explained the direction of research and their concept or hypothesis of the research article.Media article gives the conclusion without criticizing it in the last few paragraphs.Each and every conclusive idea has been critically analyzed, studied, experimented and then analytically discussed in the discussion section. Research article has talked about the ideas of other researchers about activity during saccades while media article skipped this part.Research article has mentioned a limitation of research that it does not study the time encoding of LFP signals. It also mentions that experimental setup limitations hindered. In case of conclusion, research article has given a deeper conclusion.The title of media article does not do justice with the content of both the articles. The title of media article ‘The eyes are the window into the brain’ give the perception that it may just have talked about general functioning of eye. Whereas, the research has been aimed at a way to deeper objective.

The research basically gives evidence of multiplex signaling capability or characteristic of Purkinje cells in cerebellum, importance of time and rate of spikes in relation with LFP.This exercise is so much helpful in understanding the difference between research article and media reporting of that research article. Format of both the articles, way of presentation, language and terminologies used have been observed closely. It has been learned after completing this exercise that the way of delivering the content varies with the expected audience or reader. The readers of the research articles are mostly the students of researchers of that specific field who knows the complex terms and concepts incorporated in the research. Hence the research article has described the models, calculations, statistical results and figures to educate the readers about the whole research. On the other hand, the readers of the media article are usually common people who are interested in knowing the current advancements in science and are not necessarily related to the field. Therefore, the whole research has been described in a very general manner.