


元素,如外观和肤色仍然成为一个突出的指标确定个人的社会地位和个性。维克多的故事不仅描绘了大局的狭隘的思维方式的人还存在种族歧视的国家。维克多在研究总是好的,是一位才华横溢的学生但从未被班上的伴侣。故事中提到的事件之一是玩具店和事件发生在圣诞节。她去商店用于选择玩具作为圣诞节的礼物,喜欢旅游这个城市的一部分。当她还是个孩子的时候,她在发现新的地方很着迷,访问这个国家。她参观了商店观察到其他客人和商店的所有者。这个女孩的歧视和其他孩子在商店很明显。她被当作小偷,因为她来自于一个背景和国家。一旦她感动的一个玩具和喊她的主人说“你以为你是在搞什么鬼”“你波孩子把你的手放在这些东西,你们都脏”(Mcquade 334)。判断有人说他们脏,只是因为他们是棕色的阶级歧视。国家的教育系统是偏见,可以观察到的不平等国家的教育系统。社会不平等的工作机会等问题特别是少数民族的国家成为一个突出的问题。


Elements like appearance and skin color still become a prominent indicator for determining the social status and personality of the individual. The story of victor not only depicts the big picture of the narrow mind set of people but also about the existence of racism in the country. Victor was always good in studies and was a brilliant student but was never recognized by her class mates. One of the incidents mentioned in the story is about the toy shop and the incident that occurred on Christmas. She used to visit the shop for selecting her toys as gift of Christmas and loved to travel this part of the city. As she was a child she was fascinated in discovering new places and visiting the country. As she visited the shops she was observed by other guests and the owner of the shop closely. The discrimination of this girl with other children on the store was evident. She was treated like a thief because she came from a background and country. Once she touched one of the toys and the owner of the shouted on her saying “what the hell you think you are doing”  “You Puerto kids put your hands on the stuff and all of you are dirty” (Mcquade 334). Judging someone by saying them dirty just because they are brown is class discrimination. Educational system of the country is bias that can be observed by the inequality in the educational system of the country. Social issues like unequal opportunities of employments especially for the minorities in the country are emerging as a prominent issue in the country.