留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估


留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

本报告以引言开始。它包含了基于比率和比例对公司的全面评估。方法部分描述了用于编写报告的技术,即比率和比例。报告中解释了不同比例的比例。然后在结果和发现一节中提供了比率的图表。在分析和讨论一节中,详细地用图形表示比率,并在图的每个分析部分中分别给出改进该比率的过程作为讨论。关于扩大业务的四种资金来源的建议载于备忘录格式的建议一节。在本作业中,根据公司提供的案例研究、损益表和财务报表,向Fairfield Ltd.提交一份报告。比率分析被用作分析数据的工具。对这些比率进行关键分析,并向公司提供改进的过程。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

不仅如此,在对所有数据进行严格的评估后,还要向公司主管提出建议。Fairfort Ltd.推出了一种新的基于糖的能量饮料,目前市场主要面向苏格兰。但许多新订单来自希腊、德国和澳大利亚的市场。现在,该公司在苏格兰有业务扩展,数据仅基于此业务提供。因此,需要提供上述关键的评估和报告,以便公司获得其职位,并考虑在其他国家进行扩张。本作业采用上述比率分析方法,对结果进行了连续两年的计算。只有8个比率可以计算,因为在这种情况下没有关于债务人、债权人和存货的信息。如果有这方面的资料,可以将其他三个效率比率列入债务人的催收期、债权人的催收期和存货周转率。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

This report starts with an introduction. It contains a total evaluation of the company based on ratios and proportions. The methods part describes the techniques used for writing the report which is ratio and proportions. The different ratio proportions are explained which are being used in the report. A chart is then provided of the ratios in the results and findings section. In the analysis and discussion section a detailed graphical representation of ratios is done one after the other and along with each analysis part of the graph the process to improve that particular ratio is given as a discussion. The recommendation for four sources of finance for the expansion of the business is given in the Recommendation section in the memo format. In this assignment, a report is to be given to Fairfield Ltd. based on a case study, the income statement and the financial statement provided by the company. Ratio analysis is used as a tool for the analysis of data. The critical analysis of these ratios is to be made and the process for improvement is also to be provided to the company.

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估
Not only that but also a recommendation to the director of the company is to be sent after critically evaluating all the data. Fairfort Ltd. has launched a new sugar based energy drink for which the market is made in Scotland at present. But many new orders are coming from markets of Greek, Germany and Australia. Now it has its business expansions in Scotland and data are provided based on this business alone. Therefore, it is needed to provide the above mentioned critical evaluations and reports so that the company may access its position and consider for expansion in other countries as well. The results are calculated in this assignment for two successive years by the use of ratio analysis as is mentioned. Only eight ratios can be calculated as the information regarding the debtors, creditors and inventories are not available in this case. If this information were there, three other ratios of efficiency could have been included as the debtors’ collection period, the creditors’ collection period and the inventory turnover ratios.