


One important question that asked by Robert Dahl is who should actually govern the state. According Bartels, the elected representative rarely takes into account the views of the constituency and such as the trustee, he (she) is also someone who account for their own partisanship than for the preferences that made by their constituency. Moreover, Bartels is of the opinion that so far the political influence is concern, and the impact seems to be limited, because it is there only on the affluent people on the society and on the middle class people living in the society. The elected representatives are not affected by those people who are there at the bottom third line of the income distribution. In other, it does not have any impact on the people belonging to the lower income group level (Bartels, 252). The disparities in representation exist even after there had been a difference between the high and low income citizen and they are allowed in the turn out, political knowledge and it also takes into account the contact that they people have with the political officials who are there.
It is true that the Egalitarian view that actually exists in the society tries to come up with an equalizing legislation. Therefore, the state tries to come up with the various things such as the progressive income, but there is a problem in it and that includes the economically advantaged people who had greater access to the political resources. Thus, this turns out to be an important reason why disparity still exists in the society. On one hand, the affluent people in the society have the lobby and then, they could easily find out the tax loopholes there. On the other hand, they had the power and the money to hire an accountant and the lawyers so that they could easily maximize their benefits from the tax law. It would help them to deduct the cost and reduce the burden of the tax, whereas the low income group people have to carry on with the same burden (Bartels, 766). Therefore, the member of the congress should adopt the delegate model of representation because like the trustee model, the representatives currently listen to their own wish and not to the wish of the constituency. In other words, the delegates try to represent their constituency accurately to the legislative body.

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