





The report has been prepared describing the conflict situation wherein the report was presented by the manager in one of the staff meetings with his name and not including the name of actual author of the report. This incident was the reason for conflict at the workplace as it led to reduced motivation and many unanswered questions like – why my name wasn’t on the report, will my efforts be recognized ever or will this become trend for future tasks as well.


This report discusses the steps that have been followed in managing the conflict that happen between the subordinate and the manager and what steps have been taken to manage this conflict.  At the end of rigorous discussion with the manager, the conflict gets resolved by arriving at the conclusion that the manager would verbally appreciate my work in the next staff meeting. Further my name would be mentioned in the credits in all the future reports in which I have contributed. This was the how the conflict was resolved.

Based on the discussion that has been included in this report, it can be said that the perspective of the two parties is very important in resolving the issues. In the present case the common solution has been recognized by the parties. There might be situation wherein the solution is not arrived at and thus lead to unprofessional working environment.